She meets my thrusts with her own, pushing back on my cock, and it takes everything in me not to blow too soon. I focus on the sensations and allow my orgasm to build around me without giving in to it.
Her hair is braided around her head, but I wish it wasn’t because I’d love to take hold of it in this position and pull on it while I fuck her. This thought tips me into the abyss, and I gruntas I hold myself deep inside Tati. My cock jerks while I empty my load into the condom.
I hold myself inside her as my orgasm passes, and I try to catch my breath before I pull out of her and leave the bed. I dispose of the condom and clean my cock before I come back to find Tati lying on the bed on her stomach with a smile on her face.
I climb onto the bed next to her and rest my arm over her back. “Did you enjoy that, preciosa?”
She opens her eyes and smiles at me. “Fuck, yes. God, you’re good in bed.”
“Think of all the good sex you’ve missed out on by resisting my charms,” I tease her.
“Stupid Tatiana is stupid,” she laughs.
She moves onto her side to face me, and I kiss her deeply before I just hold her in my arms. The world glows around me, and everything feels so completely right having her with me.
I’m amazed by how perfect it is being with her. I had no idea that I could feel this way about someone. In my past relationships prior to Ally and Blake, I dated people who I loved but never anyone that I knew I wanted to be with for the rest of my life, and that’s how I feel about Tati. It feels as though it’s certain. Set in stone. A fait accompli.
I’m happily lying here with her when she breaks the silence with a surprising question. “Have you ever done anal?”
It comes out of the blue, and I’m incredibly amused by it. It’s not like she didn’t meet Blake. Hell, she was in the apartment on more than one occasion that he and I were fucking.
She looks up at me before I can form an answer and raises an eyebrow at me. “What? Have you?”
“Yes,” I laugh.
“What’s so funny?” She frowns at me.
“I’m just not sure what you think I was doing in the bedroom with my past boyfriends if you had to ask that question.”
Her cheeks turn red, which is as sexy as always, and she cringes. “Shit. I didn’t think about that. I meant with a woman.”
I don’t bother to call out the bierasure because she obviously has a reason for asking this, so she didn’t think it through before asking her question, and I say gently, “I’ve both given and received anal, Tatiana. I assume there was more to the query than that?”
I’m very interested to see where this is going. Tati’s clearly uncomfortable, and if I had to guess, I’d say that anal is something she wants to try.
“I was just wondering,” she shrugs casually.
“I see.” She’s not fooling anyone because nobody usually ‘wonders’ about bedroom acts unless they want to indulge in them, so I ask her, “Have you?”
“Kind of? I’ve tried it a few times with no luck. It’s a bit difficult because I haven’t had an actual relationship for years, and it’s not really something you can do with a one-night stand with zero preparation.” She cringes.
“True. People who do it with one-night stands are usually experienced with it.”
If she’s tried it without any luck more than once, then it’s definitely something shewantsto do, or she wouldn’t have kept trying, and she wouldn’t be bringing it up now. I’m honored that she feels safe enough with me to bring it up so soon in our relationship. At the same time, we’ve been flirting for months, and it’s felt like we’ve been in some weird semi-relationship for some time.
“You could’ve done anal training if you wanted to, though,” I point out.
“Uh, no. I amnotgoing to risk having to get into a fight with a butt plug in!”
I burst into laughter, and Tatiana does as well. We laugh for a long time, exchanging ideas about exactly how a fight would go down if you had a butt plug in.
“I suppose it could be a weapon in a pinch, too,” she says, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes.
Eventually, we manage to get ourselves under control, and I kiss her before saying, “If you do want to try it, we can. You won’t even have to risk a fight with a butt plug in.”
I wink at her, and she giggles again before smiling at me. “Okay, why not. Is there anything you want to try?”
“Not really.” I shrug my shoulders. “I mentioned once before that I grew up in a really religious family. When I broke away from that, I did quite a fair bit of sexual experimentation. I know what I like and what I don’t like. I’ve dabbled in BDSM, but I don’t live the lifestyle anymore.”