Page 11 of Hayden's Stalker

She goes back to looking at the list, but it’s weird having her standing over me like this.

“Do you want to sit down?” I indicate to the empty space on the seat next to me.

Tatiana swallows before she nods at me. “Yes, of course. Thank you.”

She sits as far away from me on the sofa as she can, angling her body, so she’s facing me rather than the view of Chicago in front of us. She darts a glance at the door before she looks back down at the list she’s holding.

“Is there any reason that these people can’t wait downstairs?”

I frown at her. “I guess not, but I’d rather my friends not have to wait.”

They’re the only ones I really care about. We get stared at so much when other people are around. Even in a building full of rich people like this one, people stare at me whenever I happen to go through the lobby. I don’t want my friends being gawked at like that.

“I understand, but this is only until the tour starts in a few weeks.” She looks over at the door again as she continues, “Will they even visit that often in that timeframe?”

I can’t help but laugh at the question, not that Tati would know how much time my friends spend here. “Umm, yeah.Rehearsal room, remember? We do official rehearsals, but we spend a lot of time here in the lead-up to a tour.”

“I’m very uncomfortable with so many people having access, Hayden. You must understand that the more people that have a piece of information, the more chance for it to be uncovered. Your lobby downstairs is a secure area for them to wait, and they all have bodyguards of their own. I’m going to have to say no.”

She says it with such finality that I can tell she’s not going to accept any reasoning from me. Having a bodyguard won’t stop the looking, and I’m pretty sure Seb will be pissed. Let alone Blake.

I grit my teeth because Ireallydon’t want to havethatargument, so I concede, “Okay. I don’t think they’ll like it, but sure. What about Blake?”

“Unless I have a reason to think he’s unsafe, we can give your partner the code. I dislike restricting access to anyone you’re in a relationship with. If I find a reason to cut off his access, I will tell you in advance.”

“Agreed.” I nod, relief flooding through me that I won’t have to tell Blake she’s locking him out of my apartment as Tatiana glances over at the door again. It brings back the reasonwhythis is all happening, and I add. “This really is intense, as I said before.”

“I know that it’s a lot to take in, especially in the beginning, but I promise it’ll get easier. I’ve already organized the locksmith to come around tonight. What hours does Jesse work?”

“He comes when I need him to go out with me. Normally, if I’m staying home, I don’t have him come over.”

I’ve never seen a need to have him here for protection, but I wonder now if that was foolish of me.

“Okay, we’ll need to work out some sort of schedule with him. I’ll need him here if I have any tasks to do, or you’ll need to come with me. As much as possible, I don’t want to expose you to anyrisks. If you want to go out, I’ll escort you, but I dislike making my clients come with me on my errands.”

Once again, she darts a quick glance toward the entrance to my bedroom, and I’m so fascinated by this woman that I can’t stop myself from asking, “What sort of errands do you need to do? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Well, sometimes I need supplies to keep you safe. Occasionally, I need to get outfits to wear to events. Most things can be ordered online and delivered, but some things need to be purchased in person. I also need to have discussions with building staff about security here, things like that.”

“That makes sense.” I grin at her and point out, “You look at the door a lot.”

Tatiana raises her eyebrows, and I’m treated to her musical laugh. “I hadn’t even noticed. I do it automatically. I get very on edge, sometimes.”

I’m curious what would happen if someone tried to attack me in my apartment, so I ask, “Tell me what you would do if someone came into the room right now.”

She purses her lips and looks thoughtful before asking, “Are they armed?”

“Does it make a big difference?” I raise my eyebrows at her.

“Huge difference. If they’re unarmed, I push you to the ground and take cover while I assess the situation, then once I ascertain they don’t have a weapon, I’ll go and subdue them. Assuming it’s one person.”

I envisage it as she speaks, still amazed by this tiny woman who speaks with such certainty and doesn’t seem fazed by the scenario she’s proposing.

“If they’re armed…bigdifference. It depends on the weapon, but I’ll still push you to the ground and take cover. Then, I’ll assess the situation and probably try to shoot them before they can shoot you or me.”

I gasp as she says it, then gawk at her. I can’t see a weapon anyway. She’s wearing a pair of pants with a pretty, floral top, and I have no idea where the fuck she’s hiding a fucking gun right now.

“You’rearmed?!” I blurt out.