Page 102 of Hayden's Stalker

“Nice to meet you, Shannon. I guess it’s for the best that I crashed into you. I was starting to get tired. That’s probably why it happened. So I should probably get out of the pool now. Enjoy your swim.” I give her a wave as I walk up the stairs and head over to Tati.

A group of people at one of the tables nearby are whispering and looking back and forth between the woman who bumped into me and me. I assume they’re her friends, but I ignore them and make a beeline for Tati.

“Hey, Tati. I’m going to go to the sauna. Is that cool?”

“Generally, no. I’m led to believe they’re really quite hot,” she jokes.

Despite my annoyance at being interrupted, I can’t help but laugh at her joke. I can still hear the people nearby whispering about me. Both my name as well as my friends’ names are said, and I’m on edge, wondering if they’re going to approach me.

“Sure. I’ll come with you,” Tati tells me.

I raise my eyebrows at her. “Okay. Sounds like fun. Let’s go.”

She stands up, and we grab our stuff, which we take with us to the sauna. I open the door and walk inside to see two heights of benches with hot rocks near the door. I head straight to the top bench at the side opposite the rocks, and I lean my head back against the wall of the sauna as I watch Tati take a seat on the bench below me.

“She bumped into you on purpose, you know,” she tells me.

“Yeah, I know. People do that. I really don’t mind being approached most times, but it is annoying when I’m enjoying myself and I get interrupted like that.” I want to really sweat, so I ask her, “Can you put some water on the rocks?”

She nods, walks over to ladle water onto the rocks, and steam fills the room. She walks back to the bench, removes her bathrobe, sets it aside, then lays out her towel and stretches out on it.

My cock stiffens as I take in her legs, surprisingly long given how short she is, then follow the path up and over her breasts to her face, where I catch her gaze.

“I have no idea how you can stand sitting up there.” Tatiana shakes her head.

“It’s worth it for the view I have, that’s for sure,” I tell her.

She doesn’t say anything but squirms a little, and her nipples are clear outlines against the swimsuit’s fabric. I want to take her breasts in my mouth and hear her moan as I pleasure her.

“I really like that swimsuit, Tati,” I tell her in a low voice. “If you’re getting too hot, though, you could always try taking it off to cool down.”

She shudders, then sits up and turns to glare at me. I’m certain she’s about to tell me off, but I’d rather she cooled herself down.

“That’s enough, Hayden,” she says in a stern voice. “Was this whole swimming idea just a way to get me half-naked and flirt with me?”

“Not entirely. I wanted to get some energy out, and swimming is good for that,” I assure her, annoyed again that my swimming session got cut short. “You being half-naked was an added bonus,” I tell her honestly.

Tatiana gives a deep sigh. “I don’t think you understand what you’re doing to me. I’m currently unarmed, which is incredibly stressful for me. I have to watch every person who even comes near you. So if you wanted to tease me by making me bring you swimming, consider me teased. Mission accomplished, okay?”

I’m horrified that she thinks that I was teasing her by making her come down here unarmed because that aspect of it never crossed my mind. I guess she must’ve thought I was testing her or something, which is weird because I’d like to think she knows me better than that.

Nonetheless, I quickly apologize, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to make fun of you in any way.”

“Wrong kind of teasing, Hayden,” Tatiana groans.

Heat rushes to my cheeks as I realize what she means, and I tell her, “I did think it was weird you thought I was making fun of you.”

Tatiana laughs and points out, “I can’t even have a shower until Jesse wakes up. So I have to be sweaty and gross all day because there’s no safe way for me to shower until then.” I can’t stop myself from smirking, and she points a finger at me before she says in a stern voice, “Don’t eventhinkabout suggesting we shower together.”

“Hey, you’re the one that said it,” I grin at her. “Sorry, again. I didn’t think about the logistics of it.”

I frown at her, regretting that I’ve put her in this position when it wasn’t my intention. Yet another example of me fucking up with her. This is probably why she doesn’t want to get into a relationship with me. I keep making her life difficult.

“It’s fine, Hayden. What’s done is done. Now you know, and I hope you enjoyed the show because I’d like to go back upstairs now.”

I nod. “Of course we can. Let’s go.”

As soon as we leave the sauna, it seems as though every person in the pool area turns to look at us. The number of guests who have come to the pool to swim has increased, and I’m eager to get back up to the safety of my suite now that Tati’s reminded me that she’s unarmed right now.