Page 100 of Hayden's Stalker

She raises her eyebrows at me. “Really?”

“Yes. Is that okay?”

She thinks about it for a second, then says hesitantly. “I guess so. Could it not wait until Jesse can come with us?”

I don’t really want to explain all of the reasons why I want to swim today, but it’s also not possible for me to swim tomorrow anyway, so I tell her, “Today’s my only day off, so not really.”

She sighs and frowns at me for a few moments before she nods. “Okay, sure. Let’s go get your swimsuit on, then.”

I ignore the innuendo because I know it’s unwelcome, and that thought adds to my inner turmoil as I lead the way to my room. I pull out a pair of swim trunks, then head into the bathroom to change.

When I walk back out wearing just the trunks and nothing else, Tati’s gaze hovers over my body a little too long for the purely professional relationship she claims to want to have with me.

I ignore that thought and ask, “So, what happens? Will you come in the pool with me or stay by the entrance like Jesse does?”

“I’ll get a swimsuit on, but I’ll stay out of the pool, so I’m better prepared for anything that happens. I’ll get in the pool if I need to, though.”

“I see.”

I think I’m doing a good job of being a very professional client who doesn’t want to fuck her into next week. As she leads me to her bedroom, I ignore the jolt of arousal that hits me when I’m once again in her room.

“Shut yourself in my bathroom, please, so I can get changed. I’ll open the door when you can come out,” she instructs.

“You’re not worried I’ll go through your toiletries?” I laugh.

“I trust you not to dunk my toothbrush in the toilet,” she grins at me.

“Maybe you shouldn’t,” I joke as I head into her bathroom.

I close the door behind myself, and I feel weird being alone in here. There are signs of Tati here; a makeup bag with makeup and brushes spilling out of it. Painkillers and tampons are sitting on the bench next to a toothbrush, and I wonder if she has her period. I look over at the bathtub and see a damp pair of underwear and jeans hanging over the edge. This probably explains why she came back out in her nightgown last night.

My cock jerks at the memory, but I realize that peeking through her stuff isn’t very professional. I’m almost certain that if Tati had given the idea of me being in here more thought, she either would not have left me in here or, at the very least, cleaned up first, so there were no clues to her private life outside of her job working for me.

I turn my eyes to the floor, tracing the patterns in the tiles, determined not to invade her privacy any more than I already have by looking around the room. When the door opens and Tati appears, all of my resolve to keep our relationship professional fades instantly.

She’s wearing a navy-colored one-piece swimsuit. If she thought that not wearing a bikini would make me want her less, she’s wrong. The suit dips deep into her cleavage and has a lacy crochet pattern. There’s lining over her breasts and pussy, but there are huge cutouts with plenty of her skin on display. It’s probably even sexier than if she had worn a bikini because it has the sense of hiding something while also displaying nearly everything.

“Are you ready?” I ask, and I kick myself for sounding as turned on as I am.

“Yes, I am,” she says in a tight voice.

I smile at her, and my eyes drop to her ass as I follow her back into her room. She walks over to the closet, grabs a hotel bathrobe, and covers herself up, to my dismay. Then she turns and leads the way out of the hotel suite.

Ethan and Michael, Harrison’s bodyguard, are sitting in the hallway for security, and I nod at them as we pass them on our way to the elevator. It doesn’t take long to arrive, and we enter it together. Tati stands well away from me, unlike last night’s elevator rides, where we were squished up against one another.

When the elevator stops on another floor, Tati and I both look up at the same time. Two couples in their sixties with graying hair enter the elevator before one of their group presses the button for the lobby.

As a result, Tati moves closer to me, and I watch her do it. She looks up at me, and I smile back at her. She whips her head around to stare blankly at the front of the elevator instead, and I wonder how the fuck we went from making out last night to this.

As soon as the elevator doors open in the lobby and the other guests get out, Tati moves as far away from me as she can. I can’t help but laugh, and when her cheeks turn pink, I have to fight my arousal at the sight of it.

You’re doing a great job at being professional.

The elevator opens at the basement level, which contains the hotel’s pool and gym. Tati leads the way through to the pool, where we sign in and get towels. It’s an indoor pool, large and rectangular, with steps at the shallow end near us. A spa, sauna, and changing rooms are up the other end of the pool. Around the outside of the pool, spaced out at intervals, are sun loungers or tables and chairs for guests to use.

There are not many people in the pool area, but two men and a woman in their early twenties are hanging out in the deep end of the pool. They look up as we enter the room, and I know at once that they’ve recognized me.

Even if they don’t stare, it’s always obvious in the way people stiffen the way these people do, then try to act casually straight away. They dart glances my way, and it’s obvious they’re talking about me as they whisper to one another.