“Yup. Nothing complicates a contract more than having to follow your client to their lover’s house and lie to their significant other about it later. Good times.”
“You lie for them?” I’m shocked by this.
“Yes, and I would lie for you, too.”
Tatiana says it so casually, and shrugs when she does. Her job must be so intense, I can’t lie for shit, and I would freak out if someone asked me to lie for them.
“I meant what I said to Cooper. I act only in your best interest, but I’m not here to protect your soul. If you’re a cheating asshole, I’ll cover for you since it keeps you safe, but the morality of it is entirely on you.”
“Well, I’ll do my best to not make you lie for me, but I guess it’s good to know that you would,” I laugh.
She grins at me. “Much appreciated. Do you have any questions for me?”
Her smile has lit up her face, and she looks eerily beautiful again. She’s braided her hair around the crown of her head instead of leaving it loose like it was in Cooper’s office. I want to ask her why, but it’s probably inappropriate. I shouldn’t have any interest in her, hairstyle choice or otherwise.
So I go with a question related to our business together. “You said that you wouldn’t allow me to sit across the table from you. Is there anything else you don’t allow?”
“A whole laundry list, I’m afraid. Most things are situational, though. The most important thing is, as I said, that I need you to be prepared to follow any instruction from me at a moment’s notice.”
I hate this all so much. I know that I wanted to be a musician, but I never really wanted this side of it. The fame and everything that comes with it. Sebastian and Gabriel always loved the attention, but it wasn’t something Harrison or I sought out. We just got it as part of the package.
“It’s all so intense, but of course, I’ll do anything you say,” I promise her.
“That’s good. Well, I’ll need to get my things unpacked and organize a locksmith to come around this evening. If you can get me the list of people who know the code to your apartment at once, I’d appreciate it. We’ll need to change the code frequently, and I’ll assess who can be trusted for you to give that code to.”
I stare at her because there’s no way I can keep my friends out of the apartment, especially in the lead-up to the tour, so I point out, “The guys have to have the code, though.”
“We’ll see,” she says. “I’ll assess after you’ve made the list. I need to unpack my things, so I’ll need you to draw up the list in your bedroom, so I’m close by.”
“Okay.” I shrug and follow her back toward my bedroom.
I stop in the office and grab my Moleskine notebook and Visconti Watermark pen before Tatiana shuts me in mybedroom. I stare at the closed door and shake my head, curious once again about the woman tasked to keep me alive.
I walk over and drop onto the sofa in front of the window, staring out at the view as I tally up the number of people I’ve allowed to access this place. Other than the guys and Jesse, there’s my family, and even my cleaner has the code.
I open my notebook to write everyone’s names down, but then I realize she doesn’t know who these people are, so I tear out the page and start again. This time I include their name, who they are to me, and why they have access to the apartment.
I know she’s bound to cut some people off because I’ve surprised myself by how high the number is. Some of these people would never actually come over without calling, but it’s just been easier than going down to the lobby or basement to collect people who are coming to visit.
When the list is complete, I tear the page out of the book and set it on the coffee table before slipping my notebook and pen into the drawer of my side table and pull out the other book I’m reading. It’s a psychological thriller about someone who was murdered on camera during the filming of a TV show, and no one knows how or why it was done.
It’s probably not great for my mental state, but it certainly sucks me in because I jump about a mile when Tatiana knocks on my door and calls out, “Hayden?”
“Come in.”
I hold my place in the book with my thumb while I look up at her when she appears.
“All good with the list?”
I turn to smile at her and nod. “Yes, here it is.”
I pick the list up and hand it to her after she stands next to me. She takes it from me as I grab my bookmark and set my book aside.
Watching her as she reads through my list is far more interesting than the story in my book. Her lips are pursed, with a frown on her face as she looks it over. After a few seconds, her lips curve into a beautiful smile. Her face softens before the smile disappears, and her face becomes inscrutable.
“Very thorough,” she says slowly, then looks up at me. “You know there’s no way that all of these people can have access, right?”
I laugh, “Yeah, I figured. I just wanted to give you as much information as possible.”