Page 99 of Sebastian's Baby

I can’t stop myself from shooting my load in her as my own orgasm hits me, and I moan, “Lita.”

“Holy shit,” Lita pants, and her entire body shudders while her pussy clenches my cock again. “That was fucking epic.”

I’m pleased that I’ve apparently been promoted, and I smile at her words.

“It really was,” I say, and I pull her down to kiss me as her body shudders again.


LEVEL 16 – Negotiations

We cleanup in Lita’s bathroom, which is down a hallway, then head back to her bedroom and lie together under the covers of her bed. It’s only a double, so it feels small, but it gives me an excuse to lie close to Lita.

“How long do you think it will be before they figure out who I am?” Lita asks.

My arms are around her, and her head is resting on my chest. I squeeze her tightly as I tell her, “Probably not long at all. They knew who Maddy was within a day of the picture of her and Harrison coming out.”

“Yeah, I figured. I’m scared, Seb.”

“Is it time to revisit the bodyguard discussion, princess?”

I really hope she says yes because I’m terrified for her safety.

“I don’t know. Maybe? I feel dumb. I’m no one; I shouldn’t need a bodyguard.” Lita purses her lips.

I give her a wry grin, feeling bad that I’m the reason she needs one. “You stopped being ‘no one’ to the world when you became ‘someone’ to me, Lita. I’m sorry. I don’t know how many times in our lives I’ll need to say that to you.”

“Hey, it’s not your fault; I thought you recalled me practically begging to fuck you?” Lita grins.

I laugh and kiss her, remembering our first phone conversation. “Yes, that is actually exactly how I remember that night.”

“Me too,” Lita says with a cheeky smile. “I wanted to fuck you from the moment you asked me if I’d been planning on meeting any other bands that night.”

I think back to when I first wanted her and admit, “I wanted to fuck you from the moment I saw you walk out of the elevator, looking sexy as hell and laughing with Becky.”

Lita laughs and says, “It’s a good thing we were both up for it.” She sighs and looks up at me. “I just need to remember everything else is just stuff. You’re what’s important. Our baby is what’s important. Whatever the world knows or thinks about me doesn’t matter. Yes, I guess if we think they’re going to know my name soon, then a bodyguard is a good idea.”

I’m so grateful and relieved that she’s agreed to this, and I gently stroke her arms as I say, “Thank you, Lita. I’ll feel so much better if you have security. I’ll look into it tomorrow. There’s another thing…” I trail off, unsure how to broach the topic of her apartment situation.

“What? That doesn’t sound good, Seb.” Lita sits up, and cold air replaces her warmth on my chest as she fixes me with a level stare.

“This place, Lita, it’s not safe. I’m going to look for an apartment tomorrow, and I’d really like it if you would consider living in it.”

“No. Sebastian, you are not buying me an apartment.” Lita shakes her head. “I’m your baby mama, not your girlfriend. Fuck, even if I was your girlfriend, I wouldn’t want that.”

I had a feeling she would react this way, so I’ve thought of a way that we can hopefully make it work.

“I wouldn’t be buying you an apartment, Lita. I would if you wanted it, of course, but I suspected you wouldn’t. I assume you don’t own this place. Are you renting?”

“Yes, I am.” She narrows her eyes at me. “Why?”

“What I’m proposing is that I buy an apartment in a secure building like I have in Chicago. You can rent it off me for the same amount of money you pay here,” I shrug.

It’s a token amount, and I don’t need her money, but I know she won’t even consider it otherwise. I’ll put the money in a bank account for the baby or something, I guess.

“That’s crazy. That kind of apartment is worth a fucking fortune. I can’t do that.” She shakes her head again.

“Think about it, Lita. I was already planning to get a place here to make it easier to visit you and the baby. This way, there’s someone living in it to take care of it for me when I’m in Chicago.” I sigh because I don’t want to manipulate Lita into this, so I tell her, “But, if I’m being honest, I’m just saying that. The real reason is I am fucking terrified for your safety.