“No. I don’t have anything on at the moment, and you’re more important right now, Lita. Can I come over?”
“Sure, I’ll text you my address,” Lita sighs. “I’m sorry, Seb.”
She sounds guilty, but I know it’s not her fault, and it was bound to come out at some point, so I tell her, “Look, it was only a matter of time, princess. If you think about it, they probably would’ve gotten photos of you at the wedding anyway.” I try to think of the right thing to say to help her feel better, but I think there’s only one thing to say that might help. “I’ll see you soon, try not to stress; it’s not good for the baby.”
Lita laughs. “You know you just said the only thing that might force me to calm down, right?”
“Yes, I know.” I smile because it was a genuine laugh and she sounds truly amused, which means I’ve achieved my goal. “I’ll see you soon, princess.”
Daryl arrives back at the first-class lounge about two minutes after Lita texts me her address. I’ve spent that time looking online, but nothing has come up yet. I know it won’t be long, though. As soon as whoever took that picture has it cleared, Lita’s face will be all over the internet.
Sure enough, by the time we make it to the car and are leaving the airport, Lita’s picture is online. I cringe as I read some of the articles. They range from calling her the woman who ‘tamed Sebastian Fox’ through to implying she’s nothing more than a notch on my bedpost. A lot of them mention Heather as well.
My phone starts buzzing, and the words ‘My Lover’ are displayed on the screen.
“Hey, lover,” I answer her call.
“How did the paparazzi find out about Lita?”
I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure that Heather has a Google alert set for all of our names, and, despite everything, I can’t help but laugh. “Bad news travels fast, I see.”
“What the hell happened?”
“They caught her leaving the hotel, but I don’t think they know her name yet.”
Heather sighs and says darkly, “It won’t take them long.”
“I know.” I cringe at the thought of the paparazzi finding out Lita’s name.
“When does your flight leave?”
“It’s already gone, I think. I’m going to stay here another night, just to make sure Lita’s okay, and for fuck’s sake, please don’t make some smartass comment because I don’t need that right now.”
The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them, and I didn’t realize how stressed I was until right now. Unsurprisingly, Heather sounds defensive when she replies.
“I wasn’t going to say anything, Seb. I’m just worried about you guys, and I hope everything’s okay over there.”
I sigh heavily and say, “Sorry, lover. I guess I’m a bit on edge right now. Did you get the measurements I sent through for Lita’s dress?”
“Yes, I did. I’ve already started sketching a design for her. You’re lucky I like a challenge, Sebastian Fox.”
“I’m sure whatever you make will be amazing, just like you,” I say with a grin.
“Flattery will get you everywhere,” she laughs.
“It has so far,” I agree. “I should probably go. I think we’re almost at Lita’s place.”
“Okay. I’ll talk to you later, darling. Tell Lita I said hi.”
We end our call, and I drop my phone in my lap before I lean my head back against the headrest and close my eyes. I can see the image of Lita at the hotel behind my eyelids, and she looked so beautiful and happy in the picture they took of her. The paparazzi must be loving this—Sebastian Fox’s love child. I wonder how many of them will point out that it’s surprising it didn’t happen sooner.
I’m wallowing in my guilt that I did this to Lita as we’re approaching her apartment building, and I send her a text.
I’m here.
Daryl escorts me to the front of Lita’s building, and I hate that you have to enter it from the street. When the paparazzi find this address, Lita will be so accessible.
As we wait for Lita to come down and get me, I tell Daryl, “Book a hotel room nearby for the night. You can bill it to my account, of course. I’ll let you know when I need you.”