Page 9 of Sebastian's Baby

I end up just picking the one with the best tip and turn in time to see Hayden lining up for his first shot. He doesn’t get anything down, and I shake my head.

“You should be able to getsomethingdown on the break,” I tease him.

“You would think that, wouldn’t you? It’s all part of my strategy.” He taps his nose twice and points at me.

“Strategy?” Gabriel laughs. “Tell us more about this strategy.”

“I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.”

We all laugh, and I line up to easily knock the red three into the corner pocket. Hayden doesn’t get any balls down until his fourth turn, and I’m on my last ball.

“Fuck, I thought I was going to ‘pants’ you,” I laugh.

“Not today, Satan.” He grins at me, and I laugh harder.

I sink the green number-six ball followed by the black eight ball on my next turn and ask who wants to play me next.

I’m pleased when Lita responds, “I’ll play you.”

“Is that a promise, princess?” I tease her as I rack up the balls.

“At pool, yes. If I recall correctly, you said you wanted a challenge.”

She’s certainly proving to be a challenge, that’s for sure. I’d been so into my pool game that I hadn’t been paying any attention to her, but now she’s at the forefront of my mind again as I finish setting up our game.

Harrison laughs. “Good luck, Lita! You’ll need it.”

“I’ve seen both of them play,”—Becky leans over to say this to Harrison—“trust me when I say she doesn’t.”

My friends laugh at her comment, but I chalk my cue and try to focus. I don’t think I’ve ever felt like I needed to make an effort to make an impression on a woman. For some reason, Lita makes me feel like I have totry, and I don’t particularly like that. I lean down and hit the white ball harder than I intended, but luckily the blue number-two ball falls into the corner pocket.

“Solids,” I tell Lita.

“Thanks, Einstein.” She rolls her eyes at me.

I raise an eyebrow at her, but I let her comment slide. I lean down and aim for the purple number-four ball, watching with satisfaction as it rolls into the middle pocket. I line up a shot for the yellow number-one ball, but miss sinking it and step back from the table to allow Lita to take her turn.

She doesn’t take a shot immediately, and I watch her just look over the table. I drink in the vision of her, a slight frown on her beautiful face as she assesses the state of the balls. God, I can’t wait to fuck her. I want her so badly, and I’m mildly annoyed by that. I donotlike this need that she inspires in me.

I distract myself from my thoughts by saying, “Come on, princess, it’s your go.”

“Shh, I’m concentrating.” She turns to frown at me before looking at the table again.

“Yeah, Sebastian’s lost this game,” Becky says with a laugh.

“Lita hasn’t even started her turn, though?” Gabriel says, raising his eyebrows as he looks at her.

Becky turns her head to Lita and nods at her. “Watch.”

Lita doesn’t respond to their conversation, but I follow Becky’s instruction, and I watch as Lita picks up the chalk from the side of the table. She rubs it on the tip of her cue while still staring intently at the pool table.

Finally, she sets the chalk down and strides purposefully around to the other side. She bends over the table to line up her shot, and I grip my cue a little harder when I’m treated to a view of her cleavage in her top. I can see a black, lacy bra, and I can’t wait to take it off her.

I’m distracted by these thoughts as she knocks down the purple twelve ball. When she leans down again, she’s aiming for the red fifteen, and from this angle, I can see even more of her bra. I swallow heavily and refrain from groaning aloud because, fuck, I’m horny as shit right now.

She lines back up for the blue number-ten ball in the pocket directly in front of me, and I don’t think I can breathe. Does she have any idea of how fucking hot she is? She doesn’t seem to be at all aware of the thoughts going through my mind, nor is she paying any attention to me.

“Whoa. You’re good, Lita,” Harrison says, sounding impressed.