“Lita, they mean nothing to me; I can take or leave them. You have the ability to hurt me. I’m terrified for you, for your wellbeing, and for our baby. I’m terrified for me that one day you’ll decide to have nothing to do with me.”
I swallow heavily, both at the thought and also at admitting this.
Fucking hell, this is scary.
“I have spent my life avoiding relationships, except with people I know and trust. I had no desire to have a girlfriend, even while Gabriel, Hayden, and Harrison got partners. I had no desire to have a fiancée, even when Harrison proposed to Heather, and Gabriel proposed to Ariana. I had no desire to have a wife, even when seeing how blissfully happy Harrison and Heather were.”
I remember watching Heather walking down the aisle toward Harrison and knowing with full certainty that I would never have that. I was so sure in my conviction that I would continue sleeping with women the way I had been and never see any reason to make an exception.
“I never imagined a woman would come along who would challenge those desires. I still don’t want those things; I just want you. I want you beneath me in my bed, panting and wet. I want your mouth around my cock, trying your hardest to last ten minutes, even though you fail every time.”
I look down at the little bump she has now and smile back up at her.
“I’m a narcissistic fucker. Do you know how much it turns me on to know you’re pregnant withmybaby? Seeing you, glowing and beautiful with the pregnancy, which is mine, while our baby grows inside you, is crazy hot. Fucking you without a condom, the only woman I’ve ever done that with, is amazing.”
My cock stiffens again at the thought of being buried inside Lita, despite the fact I’m having this conversation about feelings right now.
“Lolita Serafina Ciccone, you mean a thousand times more to me than you apparently know.” I put my hand protectively on her baby bump as I say it, including our baby in this because I never expected this to happen, but I’m glad it did.
“Sorry, Seb. I do know I mean more to you than some random chick. I was just frustrated last night, and probably a tiny bit hormonal, if I’m honest.” I chuckle, and she continues, “When we’re together, everything makes sense. We’re having a baby, and that is a bond that can’t be broken. We have kind of epic sex, and I do love a good orgasm. The other women really don’t matter.
“Because that’s as far as it goes. Good sex. Baby. Last night Becky and Heather were insisting you’re in love with me. I know you love me, Seb. Everything you just said tells me that. In love, no. Because I can’t be in love with you, I can’t fall in love with a man who sleeps with other women; that’s not me.”
I’m not entirely sure why this hurts. It’s just Lita being as honest as I was with her and everything she’s saying is what I want, but it makes me feel unlovable.
“I can fuck you all day, every day, and twice on Sundays, but I can’t be in love with you, Sebastian. Not knowing that you sleep with other women. Nor do I have any interest in trying to change who you are. You’re Sebastian Fox, sex god extraordinaire. Go on with your bad self, get some, just—come back to me regularly and make sure I get my fair share of orgasms from you, okay?”
I push the uncomfortable feeling away and smile at her. “Now, that is a promise I can make, princess. I promise to always make sure you’re satisfied. If that means flying to Seattle from Chicago every day just to fuck you, I will.”
“Watch out; I might force you to do just that. Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” Lita grins at me.
I move my face to hers, stopping when our lips are barely an inch apart, and Lita’s breath catches. It’s a glorious sound, and I can see in her eyes that she’s turned on by me. I’ve waited too long to fuck her again, and I’m so glad to be back in a bed with her.
“I will keep that promise, princess. If you need fucking, I will come running. Any time. Day or night. No matter where I am in the world. Posso baciarti?” I smile at her.
“Sì,” she replies, and there has never been a better word spoken in the history of humanity.
I kiss her soft lips, and she parts them, allowing my tongue into her mouth. Our tongues intertwine, and arousal floods through me. I raise a hand to play with her breasts, and as I roll her nipple between my finger and thumb, she moans. I break our kiss to smile at her.
“You’re so fucking sexy, princess,” I tell her, because she should know this.
I place my mouth on her breast and reach my hand between her legs to finger her. I rub her clit before easily pushing two fingers inside her.
“And you’re so fucking wet,” I add.
“What can I say?” Lita laughs. “You do things to me, Sebastian Fox.”
“No more than you do to me, Lolita Ciccone. I’m hard about fifty percent of the time now, just thinking about fucking you,” I smirk at her.
“Well, why are you wasting time talking when you could be fucking me?” Lita raises an eyebrow at me.
“Because, princess, the waiting is half the fun.” I move down so I’m kneeling between her legs, and I push them apart with my hands. I take a deep breath, inhaling the scent of her, then let the breath out slowly as I look at her dripping pussy. “You’rejust as gorgeous as ever.”
“Thanks,” she laughs. “Sex with you is always such a confidence boost.”
I smile at her before I lower my head to eat her out. She moans and squirms as I do it, and I love that I’m able to do this to her. It’s one of my favorite sex acts, and she’s the only woman I get to do it with now. When she comes, she moans my name, and I’m so hard that it’s painful when I finally sheath myself inside her.
“God, I’d almost forgotten how good you feel,” I groan, seriously concerned that I’m going to blow my load too soon.