Page 81 of Sebastian's Baby

“Perhaps,” Ariana says with a smile. “It’s hard to say.”

I gesture to the empty glass in her hand and ask, “Want another one?”

“Sure, but getting me drunk won’t make me talk.”

I laugh and call Ian over to get Ariana another vodka and orange and another water for me. He’s just come back with the drinks when Heather returns from her phone call.

“How is Lita?” I ask as I take a sip of my drink.

“Crying,” Heather says with a frown at me. “Out of my seat.”

I swallow heavily and ask, “She was crying?”

I don’t like that at all. I wish I was there with her to sort out whatever bullshit Heather was telling her that made her cry.

“Yes. But hey, I hope you enjoy fucking some groupie tonight.” Heather shrugs.

I laugh and shake my head. “Sleeping with other people isn’t the issue. Lita literally said she’s fine with it. Did she tell you otherwise?” I raise an eyebrow at Heather.

“No,” she admits. “Not unless you were in a relationship with her.”

“And I’m not. So why was she crying?”

Heather’s jaw gets tight and she says, “It doesn’t matter. Are you going to let me sit down?”

“Sure.” I stand, but pull Heather into a hug instead of moving aside, and I say into her ear, “Can you please not cause trouble between Lita and me? We’ve got a good thing going, and I don’t want it to get fucked up.”

She snorts and pulls out of my embrace as she says, “You should worry less about what I might do to fuck it up and more about what you might do to fuck it up, darling.”

She drops into the seat next to Ariana and gives me a haughty look. I laugh it off but head back to the guys with her words ringing in my ears. A blonde woman is checking me out, and I smile at her. I need a distraction from everything before we perform.

“I’m going to go dance,” I tell the guys.

“We’re going on in less than an hour,” Harrison tells me.

“The dance floor is right there.” I point to it. “I’m not exactly going to be far away.”

I walk directly to the blonde, and her face brightens into a smile as I approach her and her friends. One of the women in the group has a sour look on her face, and I think I might have fucked her at some point.

“Hi, ladies. Do you mind if I borrow your friend?” I ask in my most charming voice. They nod and murmur their consent, so I turn to the blonde and say, “Only if you want to dance with me, of course.”

“Sure.” She blinks at me and smiles.

I take her hand, and as we pass Heather, I call out, “Are you coming, lover?”

I laugh as she glares at me and shakes her head. I lead the blonde woman to the dance floor. She grinds against me as we dance, and it feels good, but I’m still lost in the conversations from earlier. Lita said that Heather thinks I’m in love with her, but I’m not. I definitely have feelings for her, which I never thought would happen. I think she’s amazing, and I have so much fun with her, but I still don’t want a relationship with anyone. Heather even said that Lita would expect me to stay faithful to her if we were in a relationship.

I pull the blonde woman tighter against me and wonder if I could give this up. For what, though? For someone who is better than me and could easily cut me off the second she realizes that fact, or if I fuck up somehow? The thought chills me to my core. I don’t want a life where I have to fight to try and see my kid. Lita already has so much power over me, and that is terrifying.

“Want to go somewhere quieter?” I ask the blonde.

She nods, and I lead her off the dance floor. I don’t know this club, so I take her to the bathroom and pull her into a stall for some privacy to fuck her. When we’re done, I dispose of the condom and lead the way out of the bathroom.

“Thanks. That was fun,” I tell the woman as I head back to the VIP area, and I’m annoyed that it didn’t work because I’m still thinking about Lita.


LEVEL 15.6 – Revelations