Standard Fouls
The common fouls in the game are sinking the white ball, hitting an opponent’s ball before hitting one of your own or failing to hit any ball with the white.
Be wary of committing these fouls. They are frowned upon by other players, and even spectators can be judgmental of you if you commit one of these acts.
LEVEL 15.5 – Differing Opinions
“Sebastian Fox,why are you not ready?”
I look around from the shirts in front of me to see Heather wearing a skin-tight black dress. Her hair is blown out, and she looks stunning with her usual red lipstick on.
“Looking good, lover. Want to help me pick a shirt?”
She shakes her head at me. “You’re useless.” Nonetheless, she looks me up and down and asks, “Are those the jeans and shoes you’re wearing?”
I nod and step back from my shirts to give Heather access to look at them. She looks back at me several times where I’m standing bare-chested behind her, seeming to assess the shirt choices against the clothes I have on already. Finally, she hands me a white t-shirt and a collared light-blue shirt.
“White shirt first, then the blue one on top. It’ll look amazing with your eyes. Leave the collared shirt open when you put it on,” she instructs me.
I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tightly before letting her go. “What would I do without you, Heather?”
“Go topless tonight, probably.” She smirks at me.
I pull the white t-shirt over my head and grin at her. “I can take it off again if you’d like to drool over me all night, lover.”
“I’d like you to get that blue shirt on so we can leave before my husband comes in here and tears us a new one for taking too long,” she laughs.
Harrison is a fanatic for being on time, so I grin at Heather and say, “Fair point.” I pull the blue shirt on, leaving it open as she instructed, then say, “Let’s go.”
We head out to the living room and find Harrison looking at his watch. When he sees us walking toward him, he frowns at us.
“What took so long?”
I laugh at him. “Heather walked in on me half-naked. As you can imagine, we had to have a quickie before I could finish getting dressed.”
“Or,this guy”—Heather jerks a thumb in my direction—“was incapable of choosing an outfit without my expert advice. I’ll let you decide which version you think is true, honey.”
Harrison looks at me and asks in a deadpan voice, “Since you’ve had sex already, does that mean you won’t be picking anyone up at the event tonight?”
I burst into laughter and tell him, “I don’t know. Itwasonly a quickie. I might want something a little longer and more enjoyable later.”
“Oh please, if we’d actually had sex, there’s no way you would want to fuck anyone else tonight. That’s how you can tell it’s not true, Harrison.” She grins at him as he puts his arm around her waist and looks down at her.
“I can confirm that I have zero desire to have sex with anyone else tonight,” Harrison says.
“Good to know. That will leave plenty of women for me,” I laugh.
We’re heading toward the elevator to go downstairs, and Heather frowns at me. “Aren’t you seeing Lita tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I am.”
I nod at her and smile as I think about my upcoming trip to Seattle. The band has had events to attend the last two weekends, so I haven’t seen Lita since I went to Seattle to tell her family about the baby.
I’m looking forward to seeing her and having some kind of epic sex tomorrow. Glorified masturbation has lost its sheen for me. The women I’ve slept with since I saw Lita had nothing on her, and it’s not just the condoms because the sex in general just isn’t as good. Lita lives in Seattle, and I live in Chicago, which sucks. If she lived here, I would absolutely fuck her every day of the damn week.
“So if you’re seeing Lita tomorrow, why do you care if Harrison leaves women for you tonight?” Heather asks casually as she presses the button to call the elevator.