“Hi, Santino,” Lita smiles back at him. “Can we come in?”
“Sure,” he mutters. He holds the door open for us to walk through before asking in an incredulous tone, “Thisis who you wanted us to meet, Lita?”
“Oh, yeah. Sebastian, this is my younger brother, Santino. Santino, this is”—Lita hesitates for just a second before finishing—“Sebastian Fox.”
I hold out my hand, and Santino shakes it while blinking at me. I don’t know if he’s a fan or not, but I’ve found that people don’t have to be fans to be dazzled by celebrities.
Lita’s brother leads us through the house and into a kitchen and dining area. There are two older people that I assume are her parents, Enzo and Lucia.
From the rundown she gave me, if I’ve met Santino, that means that her older brother, Marco, is sitting at the table with her sister-in-law, Antonella. They have twin boys, Dante and Orlando. One is sitting with Marco, and the other is sitting with Enzo while her mom is in the kitchen.
“Lita!” Antonella calls out before she sees me and her expression changes to one of shock. “Whoa.”
It feels like everything is happening in slow motion as I watch her entire family turn to stare at me. I swallow heavily and can’t help but think that I felt less uncomfortable the time I had to stand in front of the world’s media to talk about the rumor I have a small penis.
“Hi guys,” Lita says, sounding nervous. “I guess I should introduce my friend, Sebastian Fox.”
“Do you hold hands with all your friends, Lita?” Marco asks, with a smirk on his face as he asks the question.
I become incredibly self-conscious of holding Lita’s hand, and I try to let go, but she grips my hand tightly and smiles back at her brother. “I do with this one. Sebastian, this is my older brother, Marco, his wife, Antonella, and their two boys, Dante and Orlando. That’s my dad, Enzo, and my mom, Lucia.”
I sit next to Lita at the end of the table. We’re facing her family, and she clutches onto my hand the whole time we’re taking our seats. It feels as though she’s holding on to me for dear life as she squeezes my hand tightly. As soon as our hands are out of sight, I go back to stroking her skin with my thumb, and she relaxes her death grip.
“I’m assuming you two met in Chicago?” her father asks.
“Yes, we did,” Lita replies.
“How long have you been dating?” he asks.
Lita sighs before saying, “We’re not dating. As I said, we’re just friends.”
Her mom frowns and then asks in a far too casual tone, “Why did you bring Sebastian to meet us, Lolita?”
My heart is racing, and I’m dreading the moment when I have to tell these people that I got Lita pregnant. Harrison’s words from the night we met play in my mind as Lita looks up at me with her beautiful brown eyes full of trepidation. She’s too good for me, and her family are sure as shit going to know it.
She turns back to look at the room and says, “We have some news.”
I think I might be sick as everyone’s heads whip around to stare at us. The only two people not looking at us are the two toddlers. Everyone else has a varying degree of curiosity in their expression at Lita’s words.
“What do you have to tell us, bella?” her mom asks, and I have no doubt that she’s guessed what the news is from the way her jaw is set.
“We’re, um, having a baby.”
Holy fuck.
She didn’t sugarcoat it at all. Of course, there’s not really any good way to say it, but I did think she might find a better way to tell her family than I did. She squeezes my hand, and I’m reminded that we’re in this together. No matter what happens, she likes me, and we’re having a baby together.
“You’re having a baby with Sebastian Fox?” Santino asks in an incredulous tone from behind us.
“Yes, Tino.” Lita turns in her seat to say this to him. “I’m twelve weeks pregnant. Well, thirteen weeks tomorrow.”
“Sebastian doesn’t seem to have much to say for himself,” her dad says while glaring at me.
Despite the situation, I can’t help but be amused by this since the questions have all been directed at Lita so far. “I’ve found I don’t need to speak for Lita. She’s more than capable of carrying a conversationherself.”
“What is your plan now, bella?” her father asks her. “When will there be a wedding?”
Lita wrinkles her nose and shakes her head. “There’s no wedding, papà.”