Page 71 of Sebastian's Baby

I stop in front of the door to my room and look down at her. She’s obviously turned on and ready to fuck. I can’t wait to repay the favor for what she did downstairs, and I plan on teasing her until she begs me for an orgasm. In the meantime, I would be more than happy for her to take my money.

“Now, I’m pretty sure that ten thousand dollars is safe, but I do hope I’m wrong.”


LEVEL 12.6 – The Best Laid Plans

I have an excess of energy,and I pace around the living room of my hotel suite in Seattle for something to do. We’re going to tell Lita’s family today, and I’m very muchnotlooking forward to it.

“You’ll be fine, Seb.”

I stop pacing and turn to her. “Easy for you to say.”

Of course she’s perfectly calm. She’s not the person with a reputation like mine who has to face her entire family today.

“What are they going to do? We’re having a baby together. No matter what they think of you, nothing will change the fact that you’re the father of my baby.”

She smiles at me, and I shake my head. I wish I could write off her family’s opinion of me as easily as she seems to think I can.

“Again, princess, you seem to think I don’t have any feelings. I do actually care what people think about me, especially when those people are going to be the grandparents of my child. I don’t want them to think I’m a piece of shit.”

I cringe as I remember the discussion with Dad last week, and he, at least, loves me. These strangers are going to hate me when they find out what I’ve done.

Lita wrinkles her nose and says, “Well, to be fair, you have spent a large portion of the last few years acting like a piece of shit. In public, at least.”

The sting from her words cuts as deep as usual, and I snap at her, “Thanks. That helps so much. I tell you I care what people think about me, and you call me a piece of shit.”

“That’s not what I said, Seb. I saidactinglike a piece of shit. Think about the image you’ve presented to the world. Always with a different woman. The world’s biggest player. Love ’em and leave ’em.”

There’s no malice to her tone, but I don’t know why she thinks that highlighting the thing that I’m stressed about would be helping in any way.

“I understand that you aren’t entirely like that, but only because I’ve taken the time to really get to know you. There’s still a part of you that treats women like shit, if the way you spoke to me the morning the condom broke is any indication. I just hope you’re treating the other women you sleep with better than that. If you’re not, you might want to think about it, because it’s kind of gross.”

I physically flinch when she calls me ‘gross.’ She seems to have an innate ability to find my pain points and press on them. My jaw tightens as I imagine how ‘gross’ her family will think I am when we tell them about the baby.

“The part of you I get now, though? You’re an entirely different person. I’ve seen it with the guys, as well, and Heather has told me a lot. You act like this arrogant prick, but you also care about the people you love, so, so much, and it’s sweet. I also know you love this baby and will be an amazing father. Just show that side of yourself to my parents, and they’ll be fine.”

I get a flush of pride at her words, but Lita says it all in the same tone as everything else. It’s very matter-of-fact, and I have no doubt that she believes I’ll be an amazing father as surely as she thinks I act like an asshole and the way I treat women is gross. It boggles my mind, and I stare at her.

“How the hell do you manage to do that, Lolita? You say the most insulting thing I’ve ever heard said about me, and in the same breath, you say the kindest thing I’ve ever heard said about me.” I roll my eyes at her.

Lita smiles at me. “I’m honest, if nothing else, I guess. I know sometimes I hurt you, but if I can’t say these things to you, who can?”

Very few people in this world would say to my face half of what she said to me.

“Nobody, princess. Nobody says these things to me.”

Heather’s probably the only one who comes close, and even she has limits that Lita doesn’t seem to have.

“Well, maybe they should. Maybe, if someone said these things to you, you wouldn’t be pacing around this room like a madman, freaking out about what my parents will think about you because your reputation is complete shit.” Lita shrugs.

Another helpful reminder of my reputation that stings, and I’m frustrated that I’m feeling this way. I’m normally confident and fine in any situation, but today has me completely on edge.

“Remember last weekend? I gave you orgasms and sweet talk before you went to meet my parents. Why are you not returning the favor?” I grumble.

“Have you forgotten the sex we had less than an hour ago already?”

Lita laughs and memories come to my mind. It was definitely good and I always enjoy having sex with her. It was pushed from my mind by the stress of what I have to do today.