Page 7 of Sebastian's Baby

Her words are cold, but her gaze is hot. Maybe she’s decided to play, after all.

“Oh, no, Lolita Ciccone, torture isn’t my thing. I am only in the business of pleasure.”

She blushes, and I grin at her. This woman is phenomenal. Please, please let her go to bed with me tonight. I need to fuck her more than I need to keep breathing.

“Whose pleasure, though? Mine? Or yours?”

Oh yes, she is here to play.

“Perché non entrambi?” I ask her and she laughs.

“I suppose they aren’t mutually exclusive, are they?” she asks as she puts another forkful of carbonara in her mouth.

I watch her eat it and realize that I like looking at her more than I should. I think that I could watch this woman watch paint dry and be completely and utterly entranced by it.

Get your shit together, Sebastian Fox. You arenota romantic idiot like your friends.

I take a sip of my beer to cool down. She’s hot, but plenty of women are this hot. Of course, I’vehadplenty of women, and none of them have ever made me want to throw them down on the restaurant table like this. Not even the ones who have sucked me off from underneath it.

She drinks some more of her cocktail and slows down with her eating when she’s finished about half of her meal. Giovanni doesn’t skimp on the portion sizes. Even I struggle to finish his food. Except when it’s the osso bucco, fuck I love this shit.

We’ve been interacting almost entirely with each other for the last twenty minutes, and I had kind of forgotten that there was anyone here with us until Gabriel speaks to Lita and gets her attention.

“Are you having fun tonight, Lita?” he asks her, and I turn to him, narrowing my eyes at him as I do.

“Yeah, I am. Who the hell is paying for this weekend? We had carte blanche at the hotel to buy whatever we wanted.”

I’m surprised by her question; it’s pretty forward. God, don’t tell me that she’s all about money. People like that are the worst—total turn-off.

“We all put in for it,” Gabriel tells her. “We’ve done it for the last two album releases as well. You’re luckier than the first fans. We can afford a bit more now than we could then. They didn’t seem to mind, though.”

“I almost got myself a Kobe beef steak at the hotel last night, but I managed to resist. You’re lucky I’m nice,” Lita laughs.

Gabriel grins at her. “Well, that’s a relief.”

“Is it some kind of weird trust exercise? I mean, Icouldhave ordered it. Unless you put a limit on the amount we can spend?”

“There’s no limit, princess,” I say and turn to look at her as I do. “But if you want a real Kobe beef steak, I’ll have to take you to Japan for it. The stuff you get here isn’t anywhere near as good.”

Why the fuck am I talking about taking this chick to Japan? One night, Sebastian Fox. One night. Although, a private jet flight to Japan with Lita is a very attractive proposition.

She doesn’t get a chance to respond to me because Giovanni comes back to take our dessert orders, and I smirk when Lita orders herself another cocktail with her dessert. I am going to fuck this woman tonight.

“Feeling thirsty, Lolita?” I ask her in a low tone after Giovanni walks away.

“Sorry, not thirsty enough for you, Sebastian,” Lita tells me, then looks me directly in the eyes and adds, “But this cocktail is delicious.”

How the hell am I meant to survive several more hours before I get to fuck the shit out of this woman?


LEVEL 1.6 – Pool Sharks

We saygoodbye to Giovanni and leave the restaurant. As we walk toward the limousine, I position myself behind Hayden as he talks to Becky so that I end up sitting next to Lita at the back of the car for the ride to the pool hall.

I watch her as she talks to my friends about our music. She’s clearly a big fan, but I don’t have a problem sleeping with groupies. I’m fascinated by watching her in the darkness of the car. She seems cheerier after the second cocktail, and I hope she doesn’t have too many tonight because I want her sober enough to give me her consent before we have sex.

When we arrive at the pool hall, we make our way inside, and I head up to the desk. The place is packed, and we’re already getting some attention from the tables nearby.