Page 67 of Sebastian's Baby

My cock stiffens in my jeans, and I abandon my task to walk over to Lita so I can kiss her. I’d like to ‘impress’ her right now, but I’m also excited to do this recording, so I break our kiss before it gets too out of control.

“We will definitely have kind of epic sex later, princess. For now, let’s see if we can do this.”

“Sure.” She’s slightly breathless as she stares up at me.

“It’s just us, so I have to start the recording before we go in. Just be aware that everything we say in there will be recorded, so maybe try to refrain from talking about how much you love my cock. Or don’t. Then I can have that recording to get me through the next week till I can fuck you again in Seattle,” I wink at her.

Lita gives her melodic laugh and says, “Okay, I’ve taken note. No talk of your cock, just your amazing ass. Got it.”

She likes my ass? Well, that’s new.

“You’ve never told me you like my ass before, princess.” I raise my eyebrows at her.

“Why do you think I like playing you at pool? I get to beat you,andyou bend over in front of me when you take your shots,” she teases me.

“I feel objectified,” I say with a dramatic gasp.

“Does this help you to feel better?” she asks as she lifts her top and flashes me.

God, they’re glorious, and my cock is getting hard again as I say, “Yes, but that wasn’t nearly the length of time it takes to take a pool shot.”

She lifts her top again, holding it up and displaying her breasts, which are spilling out of her black bra. I step forward and place a hand on each breast, stroking the exposed skin before I pull one out of her bra and drop my head to put it in my mouth. My cock is fully erect now and straining against my jeans while I reach back into her bra and pull the other breast out.

I stroke her nipple with my thumb while I lave the other one with my tongue, and she moans, “Sebastian.”

I pull my head back but immediately place my hand on it and keep playing with her breasts while I ask, “Do you like that, princess?”

“Yes, so much,” Lita whispers in an erotic tone that causes my cock to jerk before she bites her lip, looking sexy as hell.

“We should probably do this recording now,” I manage to say, even though I’d rather fuck her on the sofa by the wall.

“We should,” she says.

“Unless you want to do it later?” I offer as I raise an eyebrow.

I’m still stroking and tweaking her nipples with my fingers and definitely thinking the sofa is a good option right now. However, Lita laughs as she wraps her small hands around my wrists and pulls them off her breasts to stop me.

“We’re down here, and you’ve turned all the equipment on. We might as well do it now.”

“You ruin all my fun, princess,” I sulk as she pulls her bra back up and top back down, hiding her breasts from my view.

“I kind of got the feeling Iwasyour fun,” Lita laughs again.

I blink at her for a second, remembering a text that Heather sent me ages ago, and I’m struck by how much things have changed. Lita really is my fun now, and I laugh long and hard as I think about it.

When I manage to stop laughing, I say, “You know what, princess? You kind of are.”

I return to my task of turning on the equipment, still thinking about what Lita said. For so long, I’ve kept women at arm’s length. The only ones I got close to were Heather and Ariana, and I wasn’t having sex with them.

I actually find myself looking forward to my visits with Lita. I think it’s because we’re a team, the only two people who care about the tiny baby in her belly as much as we do.

When everything's up and running, I pick up the Doppler, and Lita follows me into the studio. I love the feeling of entering a studio in general, but particularly mine because it’s my dream studio. It’s so quiet in the dampened air and I smile as I remember recordingGames We Play.

“Come here, princess,” I say as I walk over to the large, plush armchair that I almost died getting down here during the week. “I couldn’t get a bed in here, but hopefully, this chair will be enough.”

She walks over to it while I plug the Doppler into the amp. The wand is attached to it with a coiled cord and I pull it out and tap it. The noise comes through the amp, and I’m excited that we can hear our baby’s heartbeat again. Even more excited about my plans for the song I want to make with it.

“This might actually work,” I tell Lita.