Page 64 of Sebastian's Baby

“She was Ariel after all?”

Lita looks intensely curious, and I laugh because, of course, the fans definitely had their suspicions about that.

“Yes, fangirl. Anyway, I came back to that shitty apartment, and I had been living in these five-star hotels for months. Everything was still so fucked; I felt bitter we’d been through all this shit. I’d worked my ass off, and I was just sitting on a pile of cash.”

I remember the moment when I came back to that shithole after the tour. I was still angry about what happened and tired from being on the road for so long that I threw some things in a suitcase and took off to a hotel.

“So, I bought my penthouse and my Ferrari. The money kept rolling in, and we started getting followed around more. More stories. More tabloids. I decided I needed somewhere safe, so I bought this place. It has plenty of rooms, so we can all be here at once. It’s also got a recording studio. You’ll see that later.”

I’m so excited to show her the studio. Partially because I know she’ll get a kick out of seeing the place we recorded our last album, but mostly because I can’t wait to hear the baby’s heartbeat again.

I think about what makes this place so special to me, though. “We’ve made some of my best memories in this place over the last year—Games We Play, seeing two of my best friends get married, reconciling with Ariana, it all happened here. Now you’re here, and I’m going to record our baby’s heartbeat. This place might be ridiculous to you, but it’s incredibly special and important to me.”

Lita looks up at me and frowns. “I’m sorry, Seb. I say stupid stuff all the time. I don’t ever mean to hurt you. I’m just trying to find my place in all of this. I’ve been a fan for a long time, and I don’t feel like I fit in, but I’m having your baby, so I know I do have a place here somewhere.”

I drop my head to hers and kiss her lips softly. “I know. You’re just always so straightforward with me, and you were right when you told me in Seattle we need to be able to talk about this shit if we’re going to make this work.”

“Oh, which reminds me of something I thought about when I was talking to your mom.”

“What?” I raise an eyebrow at her, wondering what the hell my mom said to her.

“Can I ask for another ground rule? No sleeping with someone else if we’re in the same city. I know you don’t want to be beholden to anyone, but I really dislike the idea of you sleeping with someone else if I’m available. Obviously, if we’re in a relationship with someone else, that’s different. Just—no randoms.”

She bites her lip, looking nervous as she waits for me to respond, and I wonder if she actually thinks I would do that to her.

I smile at her. “That’s fine, Lita. I won’t sleep with any random women if you’re in the same city as me. As if I would choose a random over the person who gives me kind of epic sex anyway.”

I figure that she should know that even though I don’t want a relationship with her, she’s already become important to me and that I consider her to be my family.

“Also, you should know that when we chose to keep the baby, I accepted that part of that was being beholden to ‘a baby mama and a kid,’ as you put it that day. You and this baby will always be my priority, Lolita. You come first, especially over any random woman I might come across.”

Lita nods but doesn’t say anything as she wraps her arms around me while I hold her tightly against my body. She’s warm and soft, and I can barely believe how my life has changed since meeting her. It’s so bizarre that she’s carrying my baby and I’m going to be a father. I’ve thought about it a lot since she told me, and I’m still not used to the idea. It’s happening, though, so I’m determined to make room for Lita in my life. Which, of course, means introducing her to Heather and Ariana.

“Come on, princess, let’s go find the others and see what they’re up to.” I smile at her and kiss her again before we head downstairs.

We follow the sound of voices and find my friends in the pool room. My table here is a replica of the one I have in my apartment, and I smile at the Cruise Control symbol on it. My friends are all here, and I’m a little bit nervous about this because I’m not sure how Lita will react or how they’ll respond to her.

Gabriel and Hayden are playing at the moment, and I look to the side of the room to see Blake standing there. He looks as smug and arrogant as ever, watching the pool game that’s happening.

“Yes!” Lita exclaims when she sees we’re playing pool.

Harrison looks up to see us and says, “Oh god. There goes our chance of winning any more games of pool.”

“Nice to see you again, Harrison,” Lita grins at him and greets Gabriel and Hayden as we approach the pool table.

“Hey Gabriel, hey Hayden.” I look over at Hayden’s boyfriend and say coolly, “Blake.”

“Sebastian, thanks for the invitation. Nice place you’ve got here,” Blake says.

I glance at Hayden, and he looks on edge as he waits for my reply. I don’t want him to be uncomfortable, so I’ll try my best to be civil with this asshole.

“Yeah, thanks. I like it.”

“I see you got lucky the night I saw you last,” Blake smirks at Lita.

My jaw tightens, and I can’t resist biting out, “I see you’ve managed to convince Hayden to take your sorry ass back.”

“So sensitive, Sebastian.” Blake laughs and gives me a smug look.