Page 53 of Sebastian's Baby

“It’s not that I thought you would, Seb. I just wanted you to know I don’t want you to. If this is going to work between us, and we’re going to have a baby together, we need to be able to communicate and work together and be comfortable talking about shit like this,” Lita says.

She makes a good point, and I guess we should set some boundaries for the future, given we’re going to be having a baby together.

“Okay, that’s fair enough. Do I get to ask the same of you, then?” I raise an eyebrow at her.

Lita laughs. “Sebastian Fox, I hadn’t had sex for a year before I met you. I’m currently pregnant and working full-time. I have very little desire to go looking for a new man right now.”

“I thought we were setting ground rules for the future?” I point out.

“Oh, well then, what the hell? Of course I wouldn’t tell you about any guys I’d had sex with who weren’t you.” She shakes her head.

“Exactly my point, princess,” I smile at her.

I see the moment that she understands because her frown disappears, and her mouth goes slack for a second before she says, “Oh.”

I lean across, turn her face toward mine, and kiss her before telling her honestly, “Please believe me when I say that when I’m with you, I’m not thinking about anyone else to even tell you about them, anyway.”

She doesn’t respond to what I’ve said, just turns back to her food, and we eat in silence for a minute.

“I’ve been thinking about the family situation, too,” I say, and she looks back at me. “Would you consider coming to Chicago one weekend soon to tell my family with me?”

“You want me to meet your family?” Lita asks, sounding alarmed.

I grin at her. “Do I think my family will want to meet the woman who is carrying my illegitimate love-child? Uh, yes.”

“I think I’m going to be sick, and for once, it’s not from morning sickness,” she groans.

“In return, I offer to come with you to tell your family. With our powers combined, we can resist the pressure to get married before this baby is born,” I laugh.

“Oh, god, yes. Youknowthat’s what they’ll say.” She affects a heavy Italian accent and says, “‘Lolita, bella, he’s such a lovely Italiano man. You want the baby to have the same name as you.’”

I laugh because she sounds just like my nonna. “Oh, I can practically hear it.” I realize that we haven’t talked about the baby’s name and ask, “Wait, whatwillthe baby’s last name be?”

“I hadn’t thought about it.” Lita frowns as she thinks about it, then says, “Let’s decide closer to the time. Right now, I would say Ciccone, but only because I’d be hoping for some semblance of privacy for the baby. I also think, after you were seen at an obstetrician’s office with a woman today, it won’t be long until people are aware you’re having a baby. So, if people figure it out before the baby is born, then I would be fine for them to have your last name.”

A flare of pride blooms in my chest, knowing that she would even consider giving the baby my last name. I understand why she would want to go with Ciccone, though. It would certainly be a lot less conspicuous, and I wouldn’t begrudge her if she did.

We finish eating our food, and before I leave for the airport, we decide that Lita will fly to Chicago in two weeks’ time to meet my parents, and I’ll come back to Seattle the weekend after to tell hers.

I board my flight back to Chicago, and I find myself feeling sad to leave behind Lita and the tiny baby she’s carrying.


LEVEL 11.5 – Brass Tacks

I’m lyingin my bed watching Lucifer on Netflix when my phone lights up next to me. I look down and smile when I see a text from Lita.

I’m in your city. You’re going to owe me ten thousand dollars before you know it.

My cock stiffens at the reminder of our joke. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to lose ten grand more, to be honest, and I write my reply to her.

I doubt it. A man can dream, though. I do. I’ll tell Jeff you’re coming. He’ll let you in. Call me when you’re here. I’ll come down and get you.

I call the number for building security, ask them to add Lolita Ciccone to my visitor list, and tell them she’ll be arriving in the next half hour so they can let the doorman know.

I turnLuciferback on, and the next episode has started playing by the time my phone lights up and the word ‘Princess’ is displayed on the screen.

I pause the show and answer her call. “Hey, princess. You downstairs?”