Page 48 of Sebastian's Baby

I grin as I correct myself in my head, and I type a response to Hayden.

Thanks. I’ll let you know how it goes.

I flick back to Lita’s messages, but she hasn’t even seen my previous one yet, and I sigh. I lock my phone and sit with my head against the seat rest, close my eyes and focus on my breathing. It’s going to be okay. Whatever Lita decides, it’ll be okay.

We reach the office of the obstetrician that Lita’s booked, and I look around as we walk toward the building, but I don’t see any sign of her. She’s not in the waiting room, either, so I’m assuming she hasn’t arrived yet.

Daryl hovers by the door, moving out of the way but near enough that he would be on hand if there were any issues. The people in the waiting room have all looked up and noticed me. For the first time, it makes me uncomfortable. They’re going to put things together, it won’t take a genius to realize, and people talk.

Even as I approach the receptionist, her eyes widen, and I can tell that she’s recognized me as she stammers, “Um, hi. Um, how can I help you?”

“I’m here for an appointment for”—I lower my voice a few decibels—“Lolita Ciccone. Do you know if she’s arrived yet?”

“Um, no. Not yet, sir. You can, um, sit and wait if you want.”

I doubted Lita would’ve gone in without me, but I needed to check, and now I wish I hadn’t. “Okay, thanks.”

I sit against the back wall of the office with three empty seats on either side of me. Other patients who are waiting are sneaking furtive glances at me, and I firmly ignore them. I look at my messages with Lita, and she still hasn’t seen my last one, so I assume she’s on her way here.

I’m grateful when the door opens, and Lita walks inside. She’s wearing jeans and a t-shirt, carrying a large bottle of water, and she looks stressed, but she smiles when she sees me and gives me a wave. I smile back at her, then enjoy the view of her ass when she turns and leans down at the reception desk to sign some paperwork.

Finally, she walks over, drops heavily into the chair next to me, and moans, “I think I’m going to pee myself.”

“Hello to you too, princess,” I laugh.

“Oh, hi.” She grins at me.

I give her a cheeky grin and say, “You didn’t reply to my last text.”

She pulls out her phone then goes into my messages, and I’m amused to see that she really did put me into her phone as ‘Baby Daddy,’ which was a joke we made last weekend.

As she reads what I wrote, I have the pleasure of watching her shiver before she flushes bright red. I definitely enjoy how responsive she is to me, and I chuckle at her reaction.

I place my lips close to her ear and tell her, “I’m glad I got to see you read it. Now I know what you look like when you read my messages, I’ll send them far more often.”

“You’re a terrible human being, Sebastian Fox,” she says while laughing.

“The worst,” I agree with a grin at her. “But here we are.”

Lita casts her eye around the waiting room before looking down at her phone and typing out a message.

Everyone’s looking at us.

I watch her typing it and smile reassuringly at her. I feel bad that I’ve brought this on her, so I pull out my phone to reply, so I don’t have to say it out loud.

Yeah, they’ll do that. You’ll get used to it. I’m sorry, princess, I don’t know how long this will stay a secret.

Lita chews her lip, looking fretful, and my guilt at being the cause of her concern grows. When she types her reply, though, I can’t stop myself from laughing again.

I’m glad you’re here, anyway. I appreciate you coming.

I smirk as I start writing my reply to her.

You appreciate me coming? Are you trying to get me hard in your doctor’s office?

When I’ve almost finished typing, Lita groans and hits her forehead with the palm of her hand. “You’re an idiot.”

“You’re not very nice to me, princess,” I tell her with a laugh, then write out another text.