The fire from yesterday returns to my veins, and I remind myself that I shouldn’t hit him, but good fucking god, do I want to.
“We werefucking careful, Cooper. But it doesn’t goddamn matter. You keep your fucking nose out of my business and stay the fuck away from Lita. I don’t want you to contact her in any way.”
Cooper raises his eyebrows at me. “Really? Is that so?”
“Yes, it’s fucking so.” I stride over to him so we’re toe-to-toe and glare at him with fury flowing through my body. “Whether or not Lita has an abortion is up toher. I get a say in it only because she wants to include me, butyougetnofucking say in it. Allowing you to come here was a mistake. Fuck off home to Chicago and stay out of Seattle. Neither of us wants you here.”
“Well, isn’t it convenient that’s the plan, anyway?” Cooper says in a cool voice. “Don’t come crying to me when this all turns to shit and she takes you for all your money. At least I get my percentage first.”
I can barely see through the rage I feel, and I’ve never wanted to punch him more than I do right now, but I force myself to take a deep breath before I respond. “I, unlike you, have friends. So if Lita takes all my money, I’m sure they won’t see me out on my ass. The only person who seems to like you is Helen. Fuck knows why. She’s way too good for you. I’ll see you back in Chicago,Coop.”
I spin on my heel and stride back to the door before he can respond. I just want to get back to Lita. I pull my phone out of my pocket and send a text to Heather, though.
I fucking hate Cooper. He’s a cunt. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.
I feel better now that I’ve vented. Unsurprisingly, Heather calls me almost immediately when my messages shows as read.
“What the fuck happened?” she asks.
“I don’t want to talk about it. Let’s just say he’s the fucking worst. I just needed to rage at someone because I’m about to go back to Lita, and she doesn’t need to hear it.”
Heather laughs, “Well, I’m always happy to rant about Cooper being an asshole.” Her tone changes, and she sounds concerned when she speaks again. “Is everything going okay there?”
“Yeah, it’s fine. Thanks for being there for me, lover. I’ll talk to you later.”
I end our call quickly because I’ve just arrived back at my suite. I slip my phone into my pocket and head back to Lita.
“Hi,” I say with a smile when I see her lying in bed where I left her.
“Hey. How did it go?”
My jaw tenses, and I nod. “Yeah, it was…not great. It doesn’t matter. He’s going home to Chicago, and you probably need to eat something because you’re pregnant.”
“Or you could get undressed and come join me in the bed before we eat?” she suggests in a sexy voice.
Any anger I was feeling toward Cooper flies out of my head at her words, and I’m full of arousal instead. “Now, that sounds like an excellent idea.”
We spend the rest of the weekend in my hotel room, eating room service meals whenever we get hungry, and we fuck alot. It’s strange to have gone from never sleeping with a woman more than once to doing it multiple times in a day with Lita. She feels indescribably good every time, and not wearing a condom is amazing.
We also spend a lot of time talking about our options. Ultimately, by Sunday, when I have to leave Seattle, we haven’t come to a conclusion either way. I pack up my things, and we sit on the sofa in the living room for a while before I have to go.
I have my arm around Lita’s shoulders, and she’s leaning into me when she says, “My appointment with the obstetrician is on the twentieth of August.”
I use my spare hand to pull my phone out of my pocket and open my calendar app. “I’d like to fly to Seattle and come with you, if that’s okay with you?”
“Of course.” She smiles at me. “Don’t ever feel like you have to ask to be included. I’m supposed to have a scan, too, so I’m glad you’ll be there.”
I look down at her stomach. “It’s so weird that you’ve got a baby in there.”
“Technically, it’s an embryo until the eleventh week of pregnancy. Then it becomes a fetus.”
“Okay,” I say while chuckling. “Well, it’s so weird that you’ve got an embryo in there.”
“It’s definitely not what I expected when I went to Chicago to meet you guys,” she grins at me.
“I’ll bet,” I say before I kiss her.
This situation isn’t exactly what I expected from meeting some competition winners, either.