Page 4 of Sebastian's Baby

That’s fucking hilarious, and I laugh. “You should try it sometime, princess. If it’s just ‘glorified masturbation,’ then you’re doing something wrong.”

I fight to keep my cock under control as my brain helpfully throws some images at me of us indulging in some ‘glorified masturbation’ together.

Lita rolls her eyes at me. “This is pointless. How the hell did I end up trying to convince Sebastian Fox, of all people, that love and relationships are better than meaningless, casual sex?”

“Casual? Yes. Meaningless? No. Not if you’re doing it right, anyway.” I run my eyes over her body once again. Fuck, she’s so damn hot.

The air between us sizzles with tension, and I’m overwhelmed again with just how much I want to fuck her right now.

“I’m sure sex with you would be quite meaningful, Sebastian. It’s just not particularly a ride I want to take, personally.”

It’s Harrison who laughs at her comment this time. Not a ride that she wants to take? Unlikely. Not with the way she keeps looking at me. I’ll have her tonight, I’m sure of it.

I warn her, “I like a challenge, princess.”

“I’m sure you do. I hope you find one that’s to your tastes one day,” she says and blows me a kiss.

Everyone else laughs, but it does things to me. I struggle harder against popping a boner right now. Her lips are delectable, and I can’t stop thinking about all the things she could do with lips like those.

As the car comes to a stop in front of Giovanni’s, I continue to look at her. She’s so unexpected. Lita reacts to me exactly the same way that most women do, but she’s also surprisingly honest and apparently unafraid to tell me what she really thinks.

Daryl opens the car door, and I know that I should get out, but I want to keep looking at her to see if I can make her blush again. I give in and get out of the car instead. We’ve got all night, I guess.

Giovanni rushes over to us when we enter his restaurant with a big grin on his face. “Gentlemen! I’m so happy to see you all again!”

“Giovanni, it’s great to see you,” Gabriel smiles as he hugs him.

“Oh, where are the bellezze?” Giovanni asks.

“Heather and Ariana are having a movie night together,” Harrison tells him as Giovanni hugs him as well.

“Tell them I said hello,” he smiles.

“I will,” Harrison replies with a laugh. “I did promise Heather I would take some arancini home for her, though, if you can arrange it?”

“Of course! Anything for your bella!”

He hugs me, and then Hayden as well, before turning to Lita and narrowing his eyes, obviously as easily able to tell that she’s Italian as I was. “Sei Italiana?”

“Sì, lo sono,” she replies with a melodic laugh. “Okay, I have higher hopes for dinner now!”

“Lita and Becky won a competition to have a night out with us, Giovanni,” Hayden smiles.

“And you saw fit to bring them to me for dinner? I’m honored.” He turns back to face her and asks, “Lita?”

“Lolita Serafina Ciccone,” she grins at him. “I couldn’t be any more Italiana if I tried!”

Her name is Lolita? Of course, it is. It isn’t particularly Italian, but I know a few and Serafina? Fiery angel, indeed.

Giovanni leads us to a large, round table near the back of the restaurant. When we reach it, Becky says to Lita, “I really need to go to the bathroom—Lita, come with me?”

Lita catches her friend’s eye and nods. “Oh, sure.”

I watch them walk away, and a wave of lust comes over me at the sight of her ass in those tight jeans. I take a seat at the table, ensuring that I leave an empty seat between myself and Harrison in the hopes that Lita will sit there. I’m mildly annoyed when Gabriel sits next to me on the right, leaving an option for her not to sit next to me at all.

“Dude, you’re going to set that poor woman on fire.” Hayden shakes his head at me.

“Shouldn’t be an issue. She’s already pretty fucking hot, isn’t she?” I smirk back at him.