Hayden distracts Heather when they start talking about Ally’s last fashion show, and I’m grateful when Gabriel arrives.
“Is Ariana coming?”
I meant to check with him that she’d be able to come, but I forgot to do it. Gabriel nods at me, though, and I breathe a sigh of relief.
“She’s five minutes away,” he tells me as he sits in the armchair next to me.
I spend those five minutes allowing my friends to talk around me while considering how I’m going to tell them this news. It’s not long before Ariana is sitting on Gabriel’s lap, and everyone is looking at me.
“Well? What do you have to tell us, Sebastian Fox?” Heather demands.
I swallow heavily. “Okay, so something has happened, and I’m kind of freaking out, and I needed to tell you guys about it all together.”
I’ve never felt so unsure of something in my life. The people in this room are closer than family. We’ve been together through thick and thin, literally through some of the worst moments of our lives, but also the best moments. I know that no matter what Lita decides, I’ll have these people around me for support.
“So Lita’s been trying to get a hold of me for the last couple of days, apparently. Cooper finally called me and gave me the message this morning.”
Heather gives a tiny gasp, and I can tell by the look on her face that she’s figured out what I have to say. As I continue, expressions of shock and surprise appear at different times on everyone’s faces, but it isn’t long before everyone is wearing the same look of disbelief.
“I didn’t tell you guys, but Lita and I had sex the next morning, and the condom broke. I’ve been tested, and I’m clean. Obviously, that doesn’t prevent this from happening.” I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a situation where my entire friend group was speechless, but nobody says anything, so I continue on, “She did take the morning-after pill, but she was sick on the plane, so she took another one in Seattle. Unfortunately, the damage was done.”
I don’t know what else to say, so I fall silent as my friends look at me.
Gabriel is the first one to speak. “What are you going to do?”
“I don’t know yet. I’m going to Seattle to see Lita next weekend so we can talk about it. I mean, I’m not going to move to Seattle or anything, so we’re probably going to have to split custody—fucking hell, I got someone pregnant,” I groan.
“We’re here for you, Sebastian,” Ariana says with a kind smile. “Whatever happens, you’ve got us, okay?”
“Thanks, Ariana.” I’m touched by her support, and I smile at her.
I catch Hayden’s eye, and he shakes his head as he says, “I can’t believe you didn’t have sex as soon as you got home, Seb!”
“I did,” I say and shrug my shoulders.
“Oh, I thought you said you guys had sex the next morning, and that was when the condom broke,” he says, looking confused.
“I did.”
I look over at Heather, and her mouth is slightly open as she stares at me before she shakes her head and asks, “So you broke your rule for her?”
For her.
I don’t like the way she’s phrased the question. Yes, I broke my rule to have sex with Lita again, but Heather is saying it that way makes it seem like there’s something special about it. In all honesty, Lita was justreallygood in bed, and I can’t blame myself for wanting to fuck her a second time.
“Not for her,” I object. “For me. I wanted to fuck her again, so I did.”
“If you say so,” Heather says while giving me a level gaze.
I know there’s no talking Heather out of something if she has it in her head, so I don’t bother arguing with her.
Ariana looks at her watch and cringes. “I have to go back to work.” She kisses Gabriel, then walks over to me. “Congratulations, Seb.”
I accept her hug for me in silent shock, reeling from her congratulations. Is this something that warrants congratulations? I got a near-stranger pregnant. A woman who lives in a different state. A woman who I can barely manage a phone conversation without her hanging up on me.
“Thanks,” I mumble.
“You’ll be fine, Seb.” She smiles at me.