Page 35 of Sebastian's Baby

“I’m calling a band meeting at my place, lover. I need you here even though it means leaving work.”

“You do know I’m not in the band, right?” she laughs.

“I don’t know that at all. I might even credit you on our next album or something so you can officially be a member,” I joke.

“I like your thinking. Make sure I get a writing credit so I can get those sweet, sweet royalties, too.”

“I’ll see what I can do. Come over ASAP, though. I need everyone here.”

“What the hell is this about, Seb?”

I could tell her. The situation with Lita weighs heavily on me, and I’m anxious to tell everyone about it, but this isn’t the kind of news that I feel right sharing with anyone before the others.

“I’ll tell you when you get here. Just come quickly.”

She lets me off the call without grilling me further, and now that the calls are made, I’m at a loss for what to do next.

I decide to get out my laptop and look at flights and hotels for my trip to Seattle. I check my calendar and realize that we have events on both Friday and Saturday this weekend.

I could fly Saturday night, but that would mean I’d only have Sunday to spend talking things through with Lita. I don’t want to feel like we’re under some sort of time restraint when discussing something this important, but I send her a text giving her the option.

I’m booked out Friday and Saturday this week. I could spend Sunday in Seattle, though. Otherwise, I’m completely open next weekend.

A part of me wants to jump on a plane today, but I’m assuming that since Lita works, she wouldn’t be free anyway. Her reply comes through, and I’m surprisingly disappointed when I read it.

Next weekend probably makes more sense. Send me the details of your flight and hotel. Probably easier if I come to you.

I realize that I’d been hoping she would choose this weekend because I don’t want this hanging over my head for a week and a half. I text her back and let her know that it’s fine with me, and I’ll send her the details once I have them.

I walk past the pool table and over to the windows and stare out at Chicago. It doesn’t seem real. It feels like a sick joke that’s being played on me. At the same time, I know for certain that Lita would not joke about this. Nor would she be lying about it to get my attention.

I pace back and forth, considering my predicament, until my friends slowly begin to arrive. Hayden gets to my place first, and I let him in before I head back to the windows. He gives me a strange look but doesn’t say anything.

Harrison arrives with Heather next, and she immediately says, “Why are you pacing like a maniac? Come sit down.”

I stop walking and look up to frown at her before shrugging my shoulders. “Sure.”

I walk over to where they’re sitting and drop into one of the armchairs facing them.

“Are you going to tell us what’s up now?” she asks.

I shake my head. “No. When Gabriel and Ariana get here.”

Heather looks disappointed, and I know this is unusual for me. This entire situation is unusual, though. Oh god, my whole life has changed forever. No. Not necessarily. It depends on what Lita decides to do. I feel so out of control, and my mind is spinning so badly that Heather has to call my name several times to get my attention.

“Sorry, what?” I look up at her.

“I just want a heads up if this is to do with the verdict, that’s all.”

The trial has flown out of my head again. It’s so bizarre that I woke up this morning on edge and waiting for one piece of news but ended up getting told something that affects my life so much more.

Heather’s waiting for a response from me, so I shake my head and force a reassuring smile onto my face. “No, nothing to do with the verdict, lover.”

“Okay. Are you sure we need to wait?” she asks with a cheeky grin, and I actually laugh.

“Stop trying to get it out of me, or I’ll tell everyone else and not you.”

Harrison and Hayden both laugh as Heather pouts at me. It’s all so normal, us joking and laughing, but nothing is fucking normal anymore. Lita is pregnant. I wonder if that fact will ever not be completely and utterly bizarre for me.