“I haven’t decided. I figured I should at least talk to you before I make anydecision.”
There it is. She was after my money, after all. Well, she played it well and has managed to hit the goddamn jackpot.
“Shall I go get my checkbook out now, then?” I ask pointedly.
The instant the words are out of my mouth, I regret them. Like telling her to go shower, I spoke too soon.
Realistically, I know she’s not after my money, and this is confirmed when she snarls, “Fuck you, Sebastian Fox. Fuck. You.”
The line goes dead, and I grimace as I pull the phone away from my ear. I press the button to call her again, but when the call connects, there’s silence from her end, and she doesn’t say anything.
I’m not sure if something’s gone wrong with the line, so I say, “Lita?”
“Yes?” she snaps, confirming that there’s nothing wrong with the call, and she’s just pissed at me.
I need to try and make this right. What’s happened is fucking huge, and I need to know what her plans are.
“I’m sorry, bella.” I sigh and acknowledge my mistake, “That was cruel of me. I know this isn’t your fault.”
“Then fucking act like it, Sebastian. I didn’t ask for any of this.”
I smile because I’m reminded of our night together, and she most certainlydidask for at least some of this.
“Really, princess? I seem to recall you practically begging me to fuck you.”
Lita snorts. “Check your recollection, then. I won a competition to meet my favorite band, not a one-way ticket to hell.”
Hearing her say that getting pregnant with my child is basically her version of a living hell is painful. I don’t want this any more than she does, but she seems to think I’m completely inhuman and that this kind of comment won’t hurt me.
“Why is it, Lolita, that you think I have no feelings at all?”
“Oh, sure, you have feelings when it suits you. ‘Go and shower. The bathroom is that way.’ I felt like a piece of shit. So, thanks for that.”
She quotes my words back at me, and I cringe. I was just as cruel, if not crueler, to her that day, and then again today. It occurs to me that she’s been on my mind since the night we met, and maybe some part of me knew this was going to happen. It’s just my luck that the one time the condom breaks, I get someone pregnant.
“Anyway, you know now. So, I guess I know your opinion, but never let it be said I didn’t tell you, one way or another.” Lita sighs, and the line goes dead again.
She thinks she knows my opinion? No. She doesn’t. She can’t know my opinion because right now,Idon’t know my opinion. My mind is a mess of thoughts, and I can’t seem to untangle them. It’s not like I ever planned on getting anyone pregnant, in all honesty, but that doesn’t mean I want nothing to do with it if she has the baby. There is one thing that Idoknow. I need to see her, and we need to talk in person, so I call her back again.
This time, she speaks as soon as the call is connected. “What, Sebastian?”
“Can you come and see me?”
“Of course!” Lita says, sounding overly excited by the idea. “What time would you like me to be there? I’ll just jump in a cab and come around.”
Her sarcasm stings because I’m just trying to get this shit sorted out, and that’s not exactly helping.
“You don’t have to be like that, Lolita. I want to see you and talk,” I bite out.
“Then you’ll have to come here, I guess. I feel like going back to Chicago on the twelfth of never.”
All this time I’ve been fantasizing about her, it wasn’t about this woman, the one who clearly has an intense dislike for me. It was about the woman I met in Chicago, the woman she apparently has zero desire to be for me now.
“Is there any chance you’ll be nice to me again?” I can’t help myself from asking.
Lita gives a bitter laugh. “I guess we’ll see.”
I’m at a loss for words, and there are so many things I want to tell her. It’s probably better to talk in person, though.