Page 30 of Sebastian's Baby

“What about you?” she asks.

I frown at her. “What about me?”

“You were drugged, too, Sebastian.” April frowns at me.

“Oh, yeah. I’m fine. Just worried about them, mostly.”

I guess, amidst everything that happened, I kind of forget that I was drugged and had the best sex of my life…well,someof the best sex of my life.

Unbidden, memories of Lita come to my mind. I think about her often, and I’ve dialed and hung up on Stephanie about five times, coming incredibly close to asking for Lita’s contact details. I can do the math, and she would know by now if she was pregnant or not. I’m assuming that since I haven’t heard from her, she isn’t. I think that if I justknewshe wasn’t, though, I could easily forget her.

I’ve slept with a few women in the last month, but I find myself comparing them all to Lita. Which is annoying as fuck. She does make good masturbation material, though. If I ever want to come, I just remember her moaning my name.

I’m lost in thoughts about Lita as the crowd quietens, and Darius walks out in front of the screen. We all cheer, and he gives a speech about what the movie means to him, even giving us a special thanks, and I wave at the crowd as they cheer for us.

Darius finishes up and takes a seat nearby before the movie starts. It’s an action thriller and pretty damn good. I get caught up in the story and am on the edge of my seat for a lot of the film. When the credits end and the lights come up, we all applaud loudly, and Darius and the cast go to the front to take a bow while we give them a standing ovation.

We take shuttles to a nearby catered reception, where we’re given swag bags with movie merchandise and other loot.

“Okay, for real, Ihaveto get a pic!” I grin at my friends as we approach an area where the motorbike from the film is set up for people to take pictures on, with the scene of a busy street in the background.

I jump on it and pose as though I’m riding through the streets of Los Angeles in a car chase while Gabriel takes a picture for me. I check it out, and I look like a total badass.

I post the picture online using the hashtag from the film and grin at Julia. “Hey, maybe I should become an actor. I make this look good.”

“You make everything look good,” she says suggestively.

April’s shooting daggers at me, so I just laugh and head to the bar to get a drink. I should probably find someone to take back to the hotel with me since April’s ruled out Julia. I see a hot blonde socialite that I think was hitting on me the last time I was in LA, so I make my way over to her and her friends.

“Maryjane, it’s good to see you again.” I smile at her.

“Sebastian Fox,” she says, looking up at me with wide eyes. “We were just talking about how good the Cruise Control song was in the movie.”

“Were you now?”

She flicks her hair behind her and nods. “We were. Anyway, it feels like forever since I’ve seen you. How have you been?”

“Good. Better now that you’re here.” I look her up and down in her tight dress with red sequins and appreciate her body as I do. “You look good tonight.”

She flushes bright red and says, “Thanks.”

I take her back to my hotel room, and it isn’t long before she’s down on her knees in front of me. I’m wearing a condom, like Dr. Helmsley told me to, but I don’t particularly like it. Women spend such a short amount of time giving me head as it is, and the latex stifles the sensations, but I have zero desire to have any more accidents after Lita.

Sure enough, Maryjane is back off her knees in record time, and I waste no time in using my fingers to give her an orgasm. I just can’t get my head around using dental dams during sex, so I haven’t gone down on any women since Lita, and I really do miss it. It’s nice to watch Maryjane come, and I’m satisfied knowing that I gave her that, but when she moans my name, it does nothing for me.

I fuck her and wish I’d picked a brunette woman tonight. Maryjane is pretty, but I prefer brunettes these days. After I’ve come, I dispose of the condoms and pull on a pair of underwear and jeans. Maryjane is lying in the bed, panting in satisfaction.

“That wassogood,” she says.

“Yeah, it was.” I pick up her clothes off the floor and toss them on the bed. “I don’t know if you want to use the bathroom before you go, but I’ll be in the living room.”

I see it. The moment I’d wanted to avoid with Lita. The moment when Maryjane realizes she’s being dismissed and her face falls.

I turn and walk away, so I don’t have to see it anymore, pulling out my phone and sitting on the sofa as I scroll through my notifications. There’s a lot of speculation about the outcome of the trial. Pictures and articles are also already showing up about the premiere tonight.

“I’ll see you later, I guess?” Maryjane’s voice comes from the side of the room.

I look up at her and shrug. “Yeah, maybe. Thanks for the fun evening. I hope you enjoyed yourself.”