“Holy shit,” Lita says, releasing a breath loudly as she does. “Is this what you guys put up with every day?”
She’s sitting between Hayden and Harrison along the side of the limousine. Becky is on his other side, while Gabriel and I are seated at the back, facing them. I’m very disappointed by this seating arrangement; I would have much preferred to have her next to me again.
“It sure is,” I say to her, hoping to get her attention.
Lita swallows, and I’m pleased when she looks at me again. “Doesn’t seem like much fun to me.”
“It’s the price of fame. We get all the perks”—I pause for a second to take a moment to appreciate her body and am deeply amused when it causes her to blush—“but we also have to deal with shit like that.”
Lita continues to look at me with her large, brown eyes, and I can envisage her in bed with me, moaning my name and kissing me with those big lips. Her soft, curvy body next to mine in my bed.
I rarely take women back to my apartment. I prefer to sleep with them at their places or in hotel rooms. I do it occasionally, though. If the woman is special enough to warrant time in my bed. This one definitely is.
Lita finally looks away from me and over at Harrison sitting next to her. “Where are we going to dinner?”
“An Italian restaurant called Giovanni’s,” he says. Lita must have pulled some kind of face at him because he continues on with, “Oh, no, that’s not a good look. Not a fan?”
Her friend laughs. “I learned a long time ago not to take Lita to Italian restaurants.”
“What’s wrong with Italian?” Gabriel asks, to my amusement, because he should know the answer to this.
Lita turns to look at Gabriel, and I can see her face again, even though she isn’t looking at me directly. “Nothing. It’s just that most Italian restaurants I’ve been to have terrible food.”
This is utterly hilarious to me. I know exactly why this would be. It’s the same reason that most of my family or Italian people I know and I generally hate Italian restaurants. The chains are the worst, but sometimes you find a restaurant like Giovanni’s, where the food is like eating at your nonna’s house.
“Lita Ciccone,” I say out loud while wondering what Lita is short for because I can’t think of an Italian name ending or starting with that off the top of my head. “An Italian princess.”
Lita turns red, and I can sense my friends’ amusement at our interaction. They’ve seen this play out in front of them countless times before tonight, with other fans.
“I’m sorry, Lita,” Harrison says. “It was my choice. It’s my favorite restaurant. It is run by an Italian family, though, so hopefully, it will exceed your expectations.”
“It’s fine, Harrison. I’m sorry for being a brat. I’ve been meaning to thank you guys so much for tonight. So far, this weekend has been absolutely amazing!” she says to him in a kind voice.
“You’re welcome.” He smiles at her. “So, how long have you been a fan?”
“SinceCards Have Been Dealtcame out. I love your music; it’s incredible.” She turns to look at Gabriel again. “Heart Wide Openis my favorite album, though. I think I had ‘Hurts Like Hell’ on repeat all last year.”
Interesting. That song is a break-up song if ever I’ve heard one. I’m leaning back in the car seat. My legs are stretched out in front of me, and I cross one ankle over the other. I look at her with great interest and ask, “Bad breakup, princess?”
Lita gives me a cool smile, then says, “Yes, Sebastian, my ex couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. Know anyone like that?”
Hayden bursts into laughter before saying, “Ooh, shots fired, Seb!”
“Not keeping my dick in my pants isn’t a problem for me, though,” I smirk back at her. “I’m not beholden to anyone for where it goes, except myself.”
“I see. That sounds like a completely and utterly fulfilling way to go through life.”
“At least I’m not cheating on anyone, princess.” I shrug, mildly annoyed by her assessment of the way I live my life.
Why the hell does it bother me so much that she seems to dislike me? I can tell that she obviously wants me by the way she’s reacted to me so far tonight, but her physical reaction seems at odds with her opinion of me.
This is confirmed for me by her next comment as Lita laughs and says, “Or you could be in a relationship andnotcheat on the person you’re with.”
“And be beholden to someone as to when and where I put my dick places?” I raise an eyebrow at her. “Pass, thanks.”
“Hey, you’re the one who’s missing out.” She looks at me for a second, then smiles. “While I’m sure it seems very thrilling to sleep with whomever you want, whenever you want, sex without love is really just glorified masturbation.”
Glorified masturbation?