“Complete with a rundown of how I’m a harlot who slept with you first, of course.”
“Well, we can’t begrudge them printing the truth, lover.” I wink at her, and I’m pleased when she laughs at my joke.
This whole situation is so fucked up. I know we signed up for some of this when we became famous, but certainly not this level of craziness.
“Cooper told me that I’m not allowed to comment at all,” Gabriel said.
“Oh good, I thought maybe he just saved that direction for me,” I laugh.
“We definitely don’t want to do anything that might harm the trial in any way,” Hayden says.
I nod in agreement with him. At the end of the day, following Cooper’s instructions or not, the most important thing is that the guy is sent to prison for what he did. As much as I would love to openly defend Heather and Harrison in the media, I’d never forgive myself if I somehow fucked the trial up.
The food arrives, and it seems the topic of the trial has been put aside for now as we sit down to eat. I’m glad because both Heather and Harrison look a little less stressed as Ariana starts telling us about her day at work. She’s a real estate agent and took a couple to see a house.
“So the wife wasreallyexcited by the bidet,” Ariana says with a massive grin on her face. “She opened the lid and was looking at it. Then, she pressed the button. I swear to god, it was like it was happening in slow motion, and I couldn’t stop her. The little nozzle slid out and sprayed her top with water.”
We all burst into laughter, and Heather says, “Oh my god, so what happened then?”
“I slammed the toilet lid down, and she laughed about as hard as we are right now. Then, they put a massive deposit down on the house. She said it was the bidet that sold her.” Ariana shrugs.
“Well done on the house sale,” I say with a smile at Ariana.
“Thanks.” She smiles at me.
I’m eating some of my moussaka when Heather looks at me from across the table with a wicked gleam in her eye. “Hey, guess who sat in that chair last Saturday, Seb?”
“Who?” I ask before I realize the trap she’s setting for me.
“Lita’s friend Becky. She told us a lot of interesting things about Lita. Did you know that the company she works for has made some of the biggest video games of all time?”
I hate that Iaminterested in knowing this. Why do I even care about last weekend’s woman? She’s almost a full week in the past now. I don’t think I’ve ever thought about a woman from the moment they’ve left my sight.
“No, I didn’t know that. I don’t know why you’re talking about someone I’ve already slept with, though.” I casually shrug my shoulders and pick up my glass to take a drink.
Heather gives me a shrewd look, and I know that she knows me too well. I wasn’t quick enough in hiding my initial reaction to what she told me.
“You know, I bet Stephanie has Lita’s contact details. I’m sad I didn’t get to meet her. Do you think I should invite her to Chicago to play pool with Ariana and me?”
I’m not falling for this, so I call her bluff. “Sure. If you think that would be fun, lover, you go right ahead and do it.”
“You could play pool with us, too. What do you think?” Heather gives me an innocent smile.
“I’ll pass. I’ve already both played pool with Litaandhad sex with her, so no need to repeat the experience, but you have fun.”
Heather looks at me for another few seconds, and I meet her gaze, keeping my face neutral. Eventually, she snorts quietly and looks away. She grilled me at dinner on Monday, too. She seems to think that I had something with Lita other than the only night we’ll ever have together.
I’m glad that I’m clean with no STDs, but I have been thinking about Lita a lot this week, and I really wish that I knew for sure that she took the morning-after pill. I think that if I just knew that, then I could put her out of my mind for good.
Daryl takes me home just after midnight, and I strip naked before turning the lights off and sliding into bed. I look at the notifications on my phone and see that the media have already started their reporting on the trial. I don’t bother reading any of the articles, but it’s frustrating because even a couple of the headlines show they’re bringing up the old rumors.
I lock my phone, and the screen shows me that it’s now the twenty-sixth of June. Today is Lita’s thirtieth birthday party, and I wonder if it’s her actual birthday today or just the party. I should’ve asked her, but I didn’t, and now I’ll never know.
Memories of Lita lying in this bed with me last week come to my mind, and my cock stiffens. She really was the hottest woman I’ve met. I throw the sheets aside and grasp my erection in my hand to begin stroking myself.
I can’t help thinking about being buried deep inside her while she was coming. The way she moaned my name. Her lips wrapped around me. Holding her on the dance floor as I kissed her. Waking up with her soft ass pressed against me. I pretend that she’s here with me now, and I bite my lip as I come, imagining that I’m coming inside Lita instead.
As soon as my orgasm is over, I curse myself. Lita was last weekend, and there are plenty of hot women I could masturbate over who I haven’t yet slept with. I need to forget her. I’ll never see her again, and that’s fine. I don’t need Lolita Ciccone in my bedorin my head.