Page 244 of Sebastian's Baby

“Let’s see, what you’re saying is that all I have to do to get backstage at a Cruise Control concert is be willing to babysit probably the cutest baby I’ll ever have seen? I’d heard you had to be willing to do a lot dirtier stuff than that to get backstage.” Becky winks at me.

I frown at her words. For so many years, I’ve had women brought backstage by security. I know that some of them have definitely performed sex acts to get to me. I never had a problem with it in the past, but the thought of it now is unsettling. Partially because I don’t want anyone but Lita, partially because of the things Lita confronted me with that day in Seattle, but mostly because I’d hate for someone to treat my baby girl the way I’ve treated women in the past.

I sigh heavily and say, “Yeah, that has definitely been the case in the past. I’ve even encouraged it. Not anymore, honestly, and I’d hate for anyone to treat Mirabella the way that I’ve treated women in the past.”

“Mirabella?!” Becky gasps.

“Oh, shit! I didn’t mean to say that.” I grimace and look at Lita apologetically because we’re not meant to be telling anyone the name.

“Not aword, Becky,” Lita warns her.

“My lips are sealed. Oh my god, that’s such a sweet name. What’s her middle name?”

“Nope. Not telling,” Lita laughs.

“I thought we didn’t have secrets, bitch?” Becky raises an eyebrow at her.

“As I told you when you tried that last time, this is different, and I will totally respect your right to keep any baby names from me in the future if you don’t want to tell.” Lita smiles at her.

“Pregnant women are smug.” Becky pokes her tongue out at her, and Lita flips her the bird. “God, I’ve missed you, Lita.”

Lita goes to have a shower, and I talk to Becky some more before Lita calls Becky into the bedroom to look at the maternity clothes Heather made for her. She comes back out wearing one of the dresses and drops onto the sofa next to me.

She wraps her arms around me and kisses me, her floral scent invading my senses as our tongues intertwine.

“Have fun, princess,” I say. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, Seb.”

She squeezes me one more time and kisses me quickly before she heads to the entrance with Becky to go to the baby shower at Harrison and Heather’s. Antonella and Lita’s nonna flew in on a flight from Seattle this morning and went straight to the baby shower. I’ll be meeting her nonna later this evening, and I’m definitely a little nervous.

The apartment is quiet, so I put onThe Onyx Project. Three hours later, I finish the final puzzle to end the game. Unlike Lita, I’ve completed all of the side quests as I went along, and this is the first video game ever that I’ve actually completed entirely. I know there are a few achievements that I haven’t made, but I’ve completed ninety-five percent of the game.

The final credits are amazing, and I’ve been avoiding spoilers online about it. Hayden tried to tell me about them a few months ago, and I stopped him. It was worth the wait. I pick up my phone and send him a text.

Holy shit. Those credits. That song. Did NOT expect that.

It isn’t long before his reply comes through.

You finally finished The Onyx Project?

I laugh and reply.

Yes. It was SO GOOD.

My phone rings and I answer it.

“Took you long enough,” he teases me.

“Yeah, I’ve been a little occupied. I also didn’t have it with me in Seattle.”

“Fair enough, I guess. It’s a good thing you finished it before the tour. You’ve done well to avoid spoilers this long.”

I grin. “I basically closed any website the second I read the name of the game.” My concern for his safety comes to my mind. “Have you heard anything more about the crash?”

“Not yet,” he says, sounding concerned. “Chicago PD are still looking into it, but so far they haven’t found anything.”

“I’m always here if you need to talk.”