Page 243 of Sebastian's Baby

“I can’t believe you ever thought that, either. I have no idea where you might have gotten that impression from.” I smirk at her.

She laughs, then looks up and past me as she grins. “Morning, sleepyhead.”

I turn around to see Lita walking toward us wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. She looks beautiful and well-rested, which I’m glad about because I know today will be a big one for her.

I walk over to her and kiss her. “I would’ve woken you, but I thought you might need the sleep after such a late night.”

“Thanks.” She smiles at me.

Lita gets herself some toast and a glass of orange juice, then joins us at the table.

“I was just planning with Becky for her to come to Chicago for the first night of the tour,” I tell her.

“Oh, that would be brilliant. It would be great to have you there.” Lita smiles at Becky.

“I’ve told her that she could come to any concerts she wants. If she just lets me know when she’s free, I can organize flights and stuff.”

Lita gapes at me, and Becky grins at her. “I know, I was shocked as well. I’m about two seconds from quitting my job and coming on tour with you.”

“Oh my god, that would be so epic,” Lita gasps.

I love Lita’s enthusiasm, and I wouldn’t have a problem if Becky did want to join us on the tour. It would be handy to have some extra hands to deal with Mirabella, no doubt.

“I’m kidding, of course,” Becky tells her.

“I know, but how cool would that be?!” Lita says.

“I know. I’ll see what time I can get off work, though, and there’s always weekends.”

“A bit different fromHeart Wide Open, right? Remember lining up for hours to try and get a good spot?” Lita smiles at Becky.

“Oh, no, I can get you guys tickets, but they’re just general admission; you’ll still have to line up to see us,” I tease them.

Becky laughs. “Yup, I can totally see it. Lita will get out of your limo, then go line up with the rest of the fans with your daughter in a baby carrier.”

“Sounds totally safe and fine; I don’t have a problem with it,” Lita smirks.

“Well, damn, now that you put it that way, I guess I’ll have to take you guys backstage with me instead. I’ll see if I can pull some strings or something. I know the drummer from Cruise Control, you know. He can probably sort something out for you.”

“You knowHayden Vega?” Lita gasps. “He’s my favorite band member, you know.”

I grin at her. “I do know that. If you’re lucky, I might be able to sneak you into a meet and greet or something.”

“Sounds exciting,” Lita says.

Becky takes the first shower to get ready to go out. I’m sitting on the sofa talking with Lita when she brings up me inviting Becky to come to some of the concerts.

“It’s so kind of you to offer to fly Becky out to concerts,” Lita says with an awestruck smile on her face.

I smile at her. “It’s no big deal. I figured that you might like to have her there, well, as much as she can be there.”

“Thank you, Seb. You’re the best.” Lita kisses me.

“Plus, she might babysit for us so we can have sex.” I wink at her, and she laughs.

“Ah, so there are strings attached to your offer. I see how it is.” Becky walks into the room wearing jeans and a t-shirt with a red jacket and shoes.

I laugh and joke, “Oh no, you’ve found me out.”