“It’s definitely not what I expected when I came here for Lita’s baby shower.
“You didn’t expect to hang out with Cruise Control when you came to see your best friend who’s, you know, engaged to a member of the band?” I tease her.
She laughs and flushes pink. “Well, when you put it that way…” She looks at Lita sitting between us and smiles. “She’s fallen asleep, I think.”
“No, I haven’t,” Lita murmurs, sounding very sleepy.
I laugh and kiss the top of her head before we fall into silence. It really has been a good day, and even Soggy Flake being there tonight didn’t ruin it, which was quite the achievement for him.
* * *
I wakebefore Lita the next morning, and she was so tired last night that I carefully extricate myself to leave her still sleeping. I get dressed and head out to the living room. I’ve pulled out the bread to make some toast for breakfast when Becky appears.
“Morning,” she says with a yawn.
“Morning. Want some toast?”
She nods. “Sure.”
I make toast for us both, and Becky makes us coffees, which we take to the dining table to eat.
“Are you looking forward to the tour?” she asks as she takes a bite of her toast.
I nod and smile. “Yeah, I really am. Touring is one of my favorite things in the world.”
“I’m kind of jealous of Lita getting to go on tour with you guys.”
“Big dream of yours, I guess?” I raise an eyebrow at her.
She flushes pink and nods. “Yeah. I mean, it’s kind of every fan’s dream, isn’t it?”
“Unfortunately, all of my friends are loved up, otherwise I could hook you up with one of them.” I consider the situation and tell her, “Although, I’d be happy to see the back of Soggy Flake. Any chance you want to hook up with Hayden for me? You’d be doing me a solid if you could lure him away from that douchebag.”
Becky bursts into laughter. “Sorry, I’ll pass. Blake wasn’t actually too bad last night, but mostly I don’t really want to be a homewrecker.”
“Ah, well. It was worth a try,” I laugh. It suddenly occurs to me that if Hayden was Lita’s favorite, then one of the rest of us must be Becky’s. “Hey, who is your favorite?”
She shakes her head. “Nope. I’m not fucking you, Sebastian Fox. I havenoobligation to give you that information.”
“I could just ask Lita, you know,” I tell her with a laugh.
“I’ll kill her if she tells you,” Becky groans.
I laugh and then say, “Hey, do you want to come to Chicago for the first night of the tour?”
“Really?” She raises her eyebrows at me.
“Sure. I bet Lita would love to have you there, and it’s going to be a big night. It’s on a Sunday, so maybe you could get Monday off work or something.”
“That would beamazing. I’d love to come,” Becky gushes and nods at me.
“You can come to any concerts you want, really. Just let me know whichever weekends you’re free, and we can fly you to wherever to meet up with us.” I smile at her.
“Are youshittingme?!” Her mouth drops open, and I laugh.
“No, I’m not.” I shrug my shoulders. “I’m sure it would make Lita happy, and I like Lita being happy.”
“I can’t believe I ever thought you were an asshole,” she teases me.