I give her a cheeky grin. “You should have a closer look at the bottom.”
Lita turns it over and bursts into laughter when she sees the Cruise Control symbol and our initials.
“Of course, you did.” She shakes her head, but she’s grinning at me as she does.
“If it wasn’t for Cruise Control, I never would’ve met you. My band has given me so many good things and wonderful opportunities, but the best thing it’s brought into my life was you and Mirabella.”
I squeeze her tightly, then keep my arms wrapped around her with my hands resting on her belly. I revel in the movements I feel from our baby girl, who’s going wild after Lita drank the juice. The tiny flutters from my birthday feel like forever ago, now that there are feet and elbows everywhere.
We’ve been sitting there for a while talking to our parents when my phone begins to buzz on the table next to the chair I was sitting on before I went to propose. I don’t bother trying to get to it in time. The most important person in my life is right here. When it starts buzzing again about ten seconds later, though, I frown because whoever it is seems to want me badly.
“Would you mind grabbing that for me, Mom?”
She walks over and picks it up just as it stops ringing again, and she hands it to me.
“It was Hayden,” I tell everyone when I see his name on the screen, and at the same time Lita’s phone starts buzzing in her pocket.
She pulls it out, and I see Hayden’s name on the screen. My blood turns to ice in my veins because Hayden is not the kind of person to freak out and call multiple times in a row, so something bad has definitely happened.
“Hayden? Is everything okay?” There’s a pause before she says, “You’ve what? Hang on, I’m putting you on speaker.” She pulls the phone away from her ear and presses a button to put the call on speaker. “I’m here with Sebastian, and our parents are here as well. Say that again.”
“I’ve been in a car accident. I’m okay, so is Jesse, he was driving. Someone was following us, and they tried to run us off the road,” he tells us.
Someone tried to run him off the road?!
Ithasto have been paparazzi. This is terrifying, and I need to know more.
“Are you fucking serious? Did they catch the person?” I ask.
“No, when we crashed, they drove off. There were no number plates on their car. We’ve both been checked over, and we’re fine, but it was scary as shit. We’re at the police station now, giving our statements.”
“Is Cooper there?” I frown because as much as I hate the guy, Hayden definitely needs him right now.
“Yeah, he is, plus that lawyer he used to get Heather off her charge.”
“Do they know why the person ran you off the road?” Lita asks.
“They’re not sure, but they think it might have been a fan. The police have asked Cooper to give them all of my fan mail for them to go through.”
A fan?
That’s…even scarier than the idea of it being paparazzi.
“Do you need us to do anything?” I ask.
“No, just letting you know. You’re obviously safe at Galena, but just be careful, guys.”
“Will do. Keep us up to date. I’m glad you’re safe, Hayden,” I say.
“Thanks, Seb. I’ll talk to you guys later.”
Hayden ends the call, and we all sit in complete shock for a few moments before anyone speaks. I’m terrified for Lita and Mirabella if our fans are getting to this kind of intense level. Hayden seems okay, but I’m worried about him, too. I don’t think I’ll truly be at peace until I see him safe and sound, then find out exactly what happened.
“Well, that’s put a downer on my mood,” Mom announces. “I’m still happy for you guys, but that’s terrible about Hayden. I’m going to go call Annette and see if she’s okay before I go to bed. Goodnight, everyone.”
“Sure. Mom, can you not tell her about our engagement? I don’t want Hayden to hear it from his mom.”
“Sure, bello. It’s your news to share how you want to. Just let me know when I can tell everyone,” Mom smiles at me.