Page 236 of Sebastian's Baby

“I’ll be back in a minute; I’m going to check on our moms,” she says.

“Okay, princess,” I smile at her and give her a kiss.

I watch our dads playing pool, and this day has gone really well. I’m going to propose after dinner, and I’m actually a little bit nervous now. I’m sure Lita will say yes, but I hope she likes the necklace.

When dinner is ready, we all sit in the dining room to eat it. The food is delicious, and we have spinach and roast vegetables to go with it. For dessert, our moms have made tiramisu, and it’s absolutely delicious.

“This dinner was amazing. Thanks, Mom and Lucia. It’s definitely better than any catering I could have ordered,” I admit.

“Thanks, bello.”

I smile at mom, then suggest, “Should we have after-dinner drinks in the sitting room?”

Our parents take seats on the two-seater sofas, while Lita and I take an armchair each.

We’ve been talking for about half an hour, and everyone’s happy and relaxed, so I smile at the room in general and say, “Excuse me. I’ll be back in a minute.”

I have to work to walk casually out of the room. I don’t dare look at Enzo in case he gives anything away. As soon as I’m out of sight, though, I rush to my office to get the necklace out of the safe. I’m worried now that Lita might leave the room or something, and the moment will be ruined if I have to try and convince her to go back there. I rush back but find our parents talking happily and Lita sitting where I left her, albeit looking very tired.

I cough from where I stand in the doorway to get everyone’s attention, then announce, “If nobody minds, I’ve got something to say.”

Our parents stop talking at once and turn to look at me, but I smile at Lita.

“I’m glad that you’re all here tonight. The way that you found out that we were having a baby wasn’t ideal, Mom and Dad.” I glance over at them before turning back to Lita. “So, I really wanted everyone here for this.”

I walk over to stand in front of her, holding the flat, rectangular box in my hand. When I reach her, I drop to one knee, and both of our mothers gasp behind me.

“Lolita Serafina Ciccone, you have changed my life in so many ways, and all of them have been good. I love you more than any woman I’ve ever met, and I can’t imagine living my life without you.”

I open the box and hold it out in front of her. The beautiful gold airplane and chain are stunning against the velvet-lined box.

“I promised that I wouldn’t make decisions for you, so I didn’t want to pick a ring for you. The first time that I told you I loved you, we were on a plane, so I had this made for you and what I really want to know is…will you marry me?”

Lita has tears in her eyes, but she smiles and nods at me. “Yes, I will.”

Relief floods through me at her words, and I grin at her before I move over to kiss her and put the necklace around her neck.

“Congratulations,” Enzo says, and our other parents join in.

“Let’s celebrate,” Mom announces.

I get champagne glasses and champagne for everyone, but fill Lita’s glass with orange juice. We toast our engagement, and everyone takes a sip before sitting back down. I sit on the armchair that Lita was sitting on before, and she sits on my lap.

Our moms are busy talking about the wedding, and Lita cuddles into me. I’m happy and at peace, hardly able to truly believe that she’s mine.

“Are you happy, princess?”

Lita plays with the airplane necklace and nods. “I really am.”

“Good.” I kiss her, and she kisses me back.

I can barely believe that I’m officially engaged, but it doesn’t feel at all as though Lita’s some ‘ball and chain.’ This is a choice that I’ve made willingly and one that I’m more than happy to make.

“You could’ve picked a ring for me; I wouldn’t have minded,” she tells me.

“I know, but I figured that you wouldn’t be able to wear it this late in your pregnancy, anyway. Also, this way, the paparazzi won’t immediately know that we’re engaged.”

“That’s actually really smart. Thank you, Seb.”