“Good to see you again, Lita,” Dad says as he gives her a hug.
We take seats on the sofa and talk for about fifteen minutes when Daryl appears at the doorway with Lita’s parents behind him. They seem a bit stunned as they stare around at my house.
Lita walks over to them, thanks Daryl for driving them to Galena, and escorts them into the room where both my parents and I stand up to greet them.
“Mamma, Papà, these are Sebastian’s parents, Nathan and Bianca. Nathan and Bianca, these are my parents, Enzo and Lucia.”
Our parents exchange handshakes, and I ask, “Would anyone like a coffee?”
Lucia offers to help me get the coffees, and I thank her as we walk toward the kitchen.
As we reach it, she says, “I’m so happy for you and Lita.”
“Thanks, Lucia. I’m happy, too. I’ve never been happier, to be honest.”
I start the coffee machine, making the first two coffees, and lean against the kitchen counter as I look at her.
“I’ll admit that I was concerned when Lita first told us about you, but I could see from that first day that you loved her.”
Heat rushes to my cheeks, and I smile. “I was probably in love with her from very early on. She’s pretty amazing. It just took me a while to realize she’s the only woman for me.”
I’m ashamed when I think about how long it took me to come to that realization. I will never take her for granted, and I’m going to propose to her today, then spend every day of the rest of my life showing her how much I love her.
“I’m glad to hear you realized it. Do you think there might be a wedding in the future sometime?” Lucia asks with a cheeky grin.
I give a casual laugh and turn back to the coffee machine before saying, “Perhaps. I guess we’ll have to see, won’t we?”
I busy myself with making the coffees and change the topic to my coffee machine because I don’t want to lie to Lucia, but I also don’t want to spoil the surprise, either. We carry them back to the living room, and I hand one to Mom as Lucia sits down next to her before I sit down next to Lita again.
“So, were you as surprised as we were when they told you about the pregnancy?” Mom asks with a laugh.
“Definitely,” Lucia says. “We’d heard a lot about Sebastian but had no idea that Lita was involved with him.”
I can’t help but wonder what sort of things Lita had told her family about me before she met me. I might ask her sometime, but I’m not sure I actually want to know because shewilltell me the truth.
“It’s all worked out for the best, though. Lita has been a wonderful addition to Sebastian’s life.” Mom smiles at Lita.
“She really has,” I say as I put my arm around Lita.
“Thank you,” Lita smiles. “Sebastian’s been a pretty good addition to my life, too.”
“Have I, though?” I ask with a cheeky smile at her.
“Well, okay, to be fair, I didn’t need bodyguards or have paparazzi following me around before I met you, but I’m pretty sure the upsides outweigh the downsides. I mean, I can’t be certain, but Ithinkthey do.” She grins at me and rubs her bump.
I love that she’s in my life, even if it means that she has to be a part of my world now. I’ll move heaven and earth to keep her and Mirabella safe if I have to.
After we finish drinking our coffee, Lita takes her mom and Bianca up to look at the nursery we’ve set up for Mirabella next to our bedroom. We stayed in Chicago for a week after a painter came in to paint it pastel pink, then when we came back, we set up white nursery furniture.
There’s a cot, a changing table, a chest of drawers, and a small bookcase that is currently sitting empty, because Lita has asked everyone to give a gift of books for the baby shower next weekend.
In the corner of the room is a gliding chair and an ottoman that Lita read online will be essential when she’s up late at night feeding the baby.
Heather also came around last week with some beautiful wall decals of a girl riding a bike with the Eiffel Tower ahead of her and butterflies everywhere. Heather put the decals up herself, and I have to admit that they’re very pretty. Lita cried when she saw them, of course.
I don’t quite know what to say to Dad and Enzo, so I suggest, “Should we go play some pool, maybe?”
“I never say no to playing pool,” Enzo says with a smile.