Page 233 of Sebastian's Baby

“Mine too, actually. See? We’ve found them some common ground already.”

Lita laughs and rolls her eyes at me. Her phone pings with a text, and she pulls it out of her pocket to look at it. As she looks down and replies to the text, her hair falls to the side, exposing her tattoo to my view. I lift my hand to trace the tattoo on her neck the same way she did to me that day when she asked about the one on my hip.

“Why did you get our symbol tattooed on your neck?” I ask, surprised I haven’t asked this before now.

Lita slips her phone back into her pocket, then smiles at me. “Well, I figured that in a professional setting, it could easily be hidden if I needed to.”

I’m amused because, of course, she misunderstood my question. I should’ve made what exactly I was asking a little clearer.

“I didn’t mean the location of the tattoo.” I laugh. “I wanted to know why you chose to get our symbol as a tattoo.”

“Your music means a lot to me. I almost only ever listen to Cruise Control’s music,” she admits, and her face flushes pink as she does.

“Hey, me too.” I wink at her.

“I guess it’s because, no matter how I’m feeling, there’s always a Cruise Control song to fit my mood. If I’m feeling anxious or worried, there’s a song for that. If I’m feeling happy and excited, there’s a song for that. If my boyfriend cheated on me and I feel worthless and hope he’s hurting as much as I am, there’s even a song for that.”

Lita gives me a rueful smile, and I chuckle softly. I’m glad that she’ll never have to worry about her partner cheating on her ever again.

She continues, “I realised that I felt stronger and better when I listened to your music. So, I got the tattoo because I wanted to carry that feeling with me everywhere I went. It reminds me that I am strong enough and good enough to get through life.”

She shrugs her shoulders and leans over to rest her head on my shoulder. I can barely breathe because my love for her is so intense, and the way she described the effect our music has on her is overwhelming. The knowledge that I meant as much to her as I did before we ever met, because even though she disliked my reputation, the music has always been much more of the real me than my reputation ever has been. I put my arm around her and pull her close before I kiss her.

“I’m honored that you feel that way about our music, and I love that it means so much to you,” I manage to choke out.

“I love you, Seb.”

I’m tempted to tell her she needs more dragons.

“I’ll never get tired of hearing you say that,” I say, instead.

She tilts her face to mine and kisses me again as the intercom from the front gate rings. I head over to answer it, confirm it’s my parents, and use the control panel to open the gates remotely for them.

“How come your friends have gate keys and house access, but your parents don’t?” Lita asks and raises an eyebrow at me.

“Because I would be fine with my friends walking in on me naked, but not my parents,” I laugh.

“I do think you wear far too many clothes around this house. You should be naked far more often.”

I sit back down next to her and kiss her deeply. “Noted. As soon as your parents have gone back to Seattle, I promise to wear no clothes at all, ever.”

“I’m going to hold you to that,” Lita says as she slowly lowers her hand to my cock.

I laugh and pull her hand away. “The driveway is long, but it’s notthatlong, princess.”

Lita kisses me again and says, “Fine. Quiet sex later, I guess.”

There’s a knock at the door, and I get up to let my parents in. I smile brightly at my mom and give her a big hug. Then, I give dad a stiff hug as well.

“Hey, guys. It’s good to see you. Come on in.”

I turn and lead them back to Lita, who stands to greet them.

“Lita, how are you feeling?” Mom asks her.

“Like I’m as big as a house,” she laughs.

“Yeah, it’s been thirty years, but I still haven’t forgotten that feeling.”