“Sì. È la migliore canzone che abbia mai sentito.”
Lita answers in Italian, so I can tell she’s feeling uncomfortable with everyone looking at her.
“I’m glad. Posso baciarti?”
Lita nods. I lower my mouth to hers and kiss her. She melts into me, and I hold her tightly for a second after our kiss ends, just looking into her beautiful brown eyes.
I smile at her, then announce, while still looking at her face, “I think we’re done here. Lita and I might go for a walk outside or something.”
“Good idea, Seb. I’ll wrap everything up here,” Hayden offers.
“Thanks,” I tell him, taking Lita’s hand to help her up from the sofa.
We make our way outside, into the freezing January air, and I lead her swiftly to the guest house nearby. When we get inside, I take her in my arms again.
“Sorry to bring you through the cold, I just, I don’t know. You seemed like you needed some space.”
“Thank you, Seb.”
“I’m sorry, I should’ve had everyone leave so that we could listen to it for the first time in private.”
Lita shakes her head. “No, that’s fine. I meant to thank you for the song. It’s amazing.”
I’m so glad that she likes it. In fact, it means everything to me that she does. I’ve considered a lot whether or not we would put something like this on the next album, and I think that I would. Especially after hearing the finished product. I’m so proud of it and it means so much to me, but like my tattoo, I’m happy if Lita wants to keep this hidden from the world.
“You’re welcome, princess. The guys are going to ask, so I want to ask you before they do, do you want this song to go on the next album or not?”
“Yes, it can, on two conditions.”
I’m a little concerned about what she’s going to ask of me, so I give her a wary smile and ask, “What are they?”
“We need to call Becky and play it for her because I totally forgot to do that, and she’s going to kill me.”
“Done,” I agree immediately. “What’s the second condition?”
“That you fuck me sometime in about the next thirty seconds, Sebastian Fox, because I love you more than I thought I could ever love someone.”
I’m immediately filled with arousal and the desire to fuck her, so I smile at her and say, “Definitely done.”
I take her hand and lead her to a bedroom at the back of the house, more than ready to fuck the most beautiful woman in the world.
LEVEL 34.6 – Family Dinner
Lita is pacingaround the living room in Galena. I look up from my phone and ask her,“What’s stressing you, princess?”
“What if my parents hate your parents? Or your parents hate my parents?”
We’re waiting for both sets of parents to arrive for dinner. Her mom has come over for the baby shower next weekend, and I suggested that her dad could come as well, so our parents can have a chance to meet before the baby is born. At least, that’s what I told Lita. In reality, I called Enzo and asked if I could have Lita’s hand in marriage. I think it’s a bit old-fashioned for him to give me his ‘permission,’ especially since I’ve already gotten her pregnant. He seems like an old-fashioned guy, though, and he was very pleased by my asking him. He promised to keep it a secret from Lucia, so he’s the only one who knows that it’s going to happen.
“They’re not going to hate each other. Stop pacing and come sit down with me.” I pat the empty space on the sofa next to me.
Lita smiles at me as she sits down. “I know this tactic. Are you going to straddle me, Sebastian Fox?”
“Unfortunately, that’s out of the question for the short term. I do miss it, though.” I grin at her and put my arm around her. “Our parents love us, and even if they hate each other, they’ll be civil for ours and Mirabella’s sake. We’re going to have a very nice dinner tonight. Our moms will talk biscotti and lasagna, and our dads will talk about baseball or something.”
“My dad hates baseball,” Lita tells me.