Lita’s jaw tenses, and she demands, “What is your problem, Blake? I’m honestly curious. Every time I’ve seen you, you’ve acted like an asshole. It seems as though you’re actively trying to be as annoying as possible.”
“What? Just because I say the things that no one else will say about Sebastian and Heather?” Blake asks in a defensive tone.
“No. Because it’s not just them and the rumors about them, it’s all the other things that you say, like that Sebastian was out trying to pick up women when you knew it would upset me.”
“Hey, I honestly thought that’s what he was doing. In case you’ve forgotten, he lied to everyone about that,” Blake objects.
“Okay, but even if that’s what he was doing, what do you gain from telling me about it? Pissing Sebastian off at his birthday party? Is there a reason that you want to alienate Hayden’s friends?” Lita asks.
Lita doesn’t like confrontation at all, so I’m impressed by her putting Blake on the spot like this. Then again, she has no issue with speaking the truth when it’s there, and Blake really is an asshole for no apparent reason a lot of the time.
Blake holds his hands up in a conciliatory gesture and says, “Sorry, everyone. I didn’t mean to upset anyone. I was just trying to make a couple of jokes. Clearly, they didn’t land, my bad.”
Lita doesn’t let him get away with this, saying almost immediately, “You seemed pretty serious when you said you thought I was trying to steal Hayden off you.”
“It was a joke. I guess you didn’t get it,” Blake tells her.
I assume this conversation took place just before, when she was in the office with them, and I glare at Blake. He’s such a fucking asshole, and I don’t like knowing that he said anything that might upset Lita.
“He accused you of trying to steal Hayden?” I ask Lita, and when she nods, I give a humorless laugh. I look back toward Blake and say sarcastically, “Wow, thatisa funny joke. I didn’t realize you had a sense of humor, Blake.”
“I’m glad you get it,” Blake says.
He’s completely unapologetic, and it makes me see red. I love Hayden, but I don’t want this asshole ruining everyone’s night, especially if he makes Lita uncomfortable in any way.
“Those were some very funny jokes,” I agree. “You should know, though, that you’re a guest in my home. Keep making those funny jokes, and your welcome here will be very quickly worn out.”
“Ugh. I skipped the Club Delirium New Year’s Eve party for this.” Blake rolls his eyes.
“By all means, feel free to leave. You’ve still got time to get there before it kicks off,” Gabriel says in a cold tone from the doorway where he stands as he holds Ariana’s hand and glares at Blake.
“Hayden drove me; I’m stuck here.” Blake shrugs.
“Ethan drove us, so you’re more than welcome to have him drive you back to Chicago. I’d hate for you to miss the Club Delirium party,” Gabriel informs him.
Blake doesn’t respond, and there’s an awkward silence for a few seconds before Hayden says quietly, “I can drive you back, Blake.”
I’m pissed that it’s come to this and that it means Hayden will be leaving just because Soggy Flake is.
“And skip New Year’s with us?” I demand.
“No, I’ll drive back. I can be back before midnight,” Hayden suggests.
Blake immediately backtracks and says, “Hayden, no. Look, it’s probably best if I go, but I don’t want you driving another six hours because of me.”
Hayden turns to look at Blake as he says it, and Blake leans forward and kisses him.
I don’t know why the fuck Hayden puts up with his shit.
“Come with me and help me collect up my stuff. Then Gabriel’s driver can take me back to Chicago.”
Help him collect up his stuff? I can only assume that Blake is fucking amazing in bed because I can’t see any other reason that Hayden shouldn’t turf his soggy ass.
Hayden nods, and they leave the room holding hands. Gabriel glares at Blake as they walk out, and Ariana looks nervous. Once they’ve gone, Gabriel and Ariana move into the room and sit down on the sofa.
“Fuck, I hate him,” I snarl.