Page 218 of Sebastian's Baby

“That sounds good. What about Christmas?”

I grin at her. “It’s at your favorite band member’s parents’ place this year. If you’re feeling up to it, you’re more than welcome to join us.”

“I’ll see how I’m feeling,” Lita tells me.

I like the idea of her celebrating the holiday with us, and she is my family.

After she finishes eating her food, Lita tells me that she’s tired, and I call a nurse. The nurse checks her over and reassures us that it’s normal, and the painkillers are probably causing Lita to be a bit drowsy.

“I’ll go home, princess, but I’ll come back when visiting hours start tomorrow morning,” I promise.

I want to hug her again, but I don’t. I do kiss her bump before I leave, though.

“I love you, baby girl. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I promise Mirabella as well.

* * *

I wake earlythe next morning, and it’s still over an hour until visiting hours begin, so I send Lita a text.

Morning, princess. I hope you slept well. I’ll see you first thing.

I have breakfast and call Daryl to come take me to the hospital. It’s strange to not be living in a constant state of fear. Any time since that scan that I’ve been happy or having fun, it’s been tainted by the knowledge at the back of my mind that something was wrong. Now, everything is perfect.

Well, except for the fact I’m back to me being in love with a woman who’s not in love with me. I think that when we’re at Galena, I’ll finish her song, and maybe that will make her understand how much I love her.

I throw my black leather jacket on over jeans and a t-shirt, then head to the hospital with Daryl. Ignoring the paparazzi is a breeze because nothing they say can hurt me anymore.

“Are you going to marry Lolita?” someone calls out.

Except that.

I don’t let it bother me, though. Maybe she’s not in love with me, but she doesn’t have another boyfriend yet. I have time to prove to her that I love her and hope that she finds a way to fall in love with me, too.

I can’t wipe the smile off my face when I see her lying in her bed in the hospital room. Her hair is a mess, and I don’t think she’s showered, but to me, she’s never looked more beautiful because she’s alive and breathing.

“Morning, princess,” I say cheerfully. “How are you today?”

I sit down in the chair next to her bed, turning my bright smile to her.

“I’m good. Look, we really need to talk,” Lita tells me.

Those words definitely succeed in wiping the smile from my face, and I say, “Oh, shit. That has never been said before anyone was about to have a good conversation.”

“Well, it might be good.” Lita chews her bottom lip and looks away from me, filling me with a sense of dread. “I miss you. A lot. Much, much more than I ever thought that I could miss someone, especially when they’re sitting right next to me.”

Then she turns to look me in the eyes, and her brown eyes look so beautiful.

“I’ve hated the last two weeks so much. I miss you holding my hand. I miss you hugging me. I miss you kissing me. Ireallymiss you fucking me. I know that I said I didn’t want to be in a relationship with you, but I do. I’m in love with you, Sebastian.”

My mouth drops open as I take in what she said. She’sinlove with me? She wants to be in a relationship with me? I can barely believe it, but I know it’s true because Lita wouldn’t have said it if it wasn’t. So I smile at her because there’s only one appropriate response to what she’s said.

“Cool story, bro. Needs more dragons.”

Lita cringes. “I can’t tell if you’re happy and making fun of me or if you’re rejecting my idea of being in a relationship together.”

I stand from the seat and move next to the bed before I lower my head to hers and kiss her softly.

“I love you, Lolita Ciccone. You know that. Of course, I want to be in a relationship with you.”