Page 216 of Sebastian's Baby

I write a response to him, grateful for the support he’s given both of us during all of this.

Thanks. Sorry I’m needy. I was just sad when I thought my favorite member of Cruise Control didn’t message me.

As I hit send, Lita gives a heavy sigh, and I look to smile at her.

“It’s going to be okay, princess,” I tell her even though I can’t completely believe it myself.

I wish I could hold her and comfort her and tell her that I love her. I can’t do that because I haven’t been allowed to touch any part of her other than her bump since the day she went maternity clothes shopping with Heather. I hate it, and I’ve been completely miserable. I don’t know about Lita, though, because we haven’t talked about ‘us’ since then, either.

Dr. Floyd walks into the room, distracting me from my depressing thoughts, and we both look up at him.

“Hi, Eric,” I greet him.

“Hey there, Sebastian, Lita. It’s time for me to take you to surgery.”

She looks over at me, and I smile before forcing myself to say in a casual tone, “It’s okay, princess. I’ll be right here, waiting. You’ll be fine.”

“I’ll…see you afterward.”

That pause.

It almost kills me, and I only just manage to hold it together while two nurses enter the room and raise the sides of the hospital bed before they wheel Lita out of the room. I put my head in my hands and cry.

The thought that those might be the last words I ever hear Lita say is unbearable. I should’ve told her that I love her. I should’ve told her that I haven’t slept with anyone else. I should’ve spent all morning with my hands on her bump in case it was the last time I ever felt Mirabella move.

I have so many regrets, and I have nothing to do now but sit here and wait. To hope that Eric is as good as he’s told us he is. I look at my phone for a distraction and see a response from Hayden.

I always suspected I was your favorite. Have told Gabriel and Harrison. They are devastated.

I laugh, and distract myself for about half an hour, sending stupid messages back and forth with him. Then he has to go out Christmas shopping with his sister and stops messaging me, but not before he assures me that I can call him if I need to talk. I’m so grateful that he’s given me the offer, even though I probably won’t take him up on it because he’s already done so much for me just by talking this morning.

I’m left alone with my thoughts again. It’s not particularly enjoyable. An hour later, I get a message from Enzo to ask if I’ve heard anything. I send him a reply to tell him that I haven’t and that I’ll let them know as soon as I do.

The hours pass, and I cry off and on during the times when the fear overwhelms me too much. Eventually, Dr. Floyd appears in the room.

The fact that it’s him and not some nurse makes me certain that something absolutely terrible has happened, and my blood turns to ice in my veins.

“Everything went perfectly,” he announces with a smile at me.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“Both Lita and your baby girl are fine, Sebastian,” he says again.

I can’t stop tears from rolling down my face as relief floods into every cell of my body. “They’re both okay? You got the tumor?”

“We did, and there were no other tumors on her heart. It was working too hard, but she will be perfectly fine now.”

I wipe the tears from my eyes and shake my head. “I can’t believe it.”

“A nurse will come along shortly to take you to recovery so you can be there when Lita wakes up. I thought you would like to hear the news firsthand, though.”

“Yes, of course.” I stand and walk over to shake his hand. “Thank yousomuch. For everything.”

He smiles at me. “It’s not an issue at all. I’m honored to have been able to help.”

It’s only a few minutes before a nurse comes to take me to recovery. I find Lita lying unconscious in a hospital bed. She’s so beautiful, and our baby is safe. I can’t even truly believe it.

“How long will she take to wake up?” I ask the nurse.