Page 211 of Sebastian's Baby

“Haven’t you heard, Sebastian? I’m a dangerous criminal,” Heather calls back to me.

I walk quickly over to her, feeling confused by her comment. “You’ve had charges laid against you? I thought Cooper handled it with the reporter’s station.”

“Yes, it happened about an hour ago. The Attorney General’s Office announced that they’re charging me with assault and battery. It turns out that even without the guy pressing charges, you can’t be filmed slapping someone and not have the State press charges, anyway.”

Well, shit. I’m surprised that Cooper didn’t realize that, and I’m worried about Heather, even though I’m still pissed at her for last week.

“What the fuck are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with a lawyer or something?” I frown at her.

“I’ve been on the phone with both Cooper and the lawyer. The lawyer is going to fight it, argue that I was concerned for Lita’s safety, which is true.”

“That’s a lie,” Lita says and frowns at Heather as well. “You slapped him because he was a dick, not because you were worried about my safety.”

“Yes, but short of the guy saying that he agreed to me slapping him, which probably wouldn’t hold up since he’s also on video saying he’ll get me charged, it’s the best defense we’ve got.” Heather shrugs.

“You’re incredibly calm for someone who might go to jail,” I say.

“What am I going to do? Cry in a heap about it? I don’t feel proud of assaulting someone, and if the lawyer can’t get me off the charge, I deserve whatever I get. In the meantime, I’ve got work to do.”

The woman who’s been standing next to Heather the whole time says, “I’ll go back to that design and leave you to it, Heather.”

“Yes, Rachel. Sorry about the rude interruption. We can continue our discussion later. Heaven knows that Sebastian Fox waits for no man…or woman.” Heather rolls her eyes, and Rachel grins as she walks away. “Way to embarrass me in front of my employees, Seb.”

I really don’t give a shit about what her employees think, and it’s not like this gossip hasn’t been all over the internet for the last week.

“As if they don’t know about it anyway.”

“You didn’t.” Heather raises an eyebrow at me.

“Yeah? Well, we’ve been at the hospital, haven’t we?” I tell her in annoyance.

My comment brings a strained look to Heather’s face as she looks at Lita and asks, “How was it? Any news?”

“No news. Same old, same old. Definitely surgery, go back Friday.” Lita sighs.

“Sorry, darling. I wish it were better news.”

“Me too. At this point, I just want the surgery over and done with, now that I know it has to happen. At the same time, I know that the longer we wait, the better.”

We’ve barely talked lately, but this is pretty much how I feel as well. I hate the stress of waiting and not knowing when it’s going to happen.

“Well, how about we focus on something fun in the meantime?” Heather smiles at Lita. “Distract us both from our worries; I’ve got some pretty clothes for you. Want to give us a fashion show?”

Lita chuckles, and I can’t remember the last time I actually heard her laugh. I’ve missed that sound.

“Sure, as long as you haven’t made me a tent.”

“Definitely no tents here!” Heather confirms.

Lita and I follow Heather over to a table where there are several piles of carefully laid-out clothes in many different styles and colors. They all seem to be made from soft, stretchy materials. Some are flowing dresses; others are shirts and pants, or skirts.

“How many clothes did you make, Heather?” Lita gasps.

“I might have been a bit stressed over the last week,” Heather cringes. “I tend to design and make clothes when I’m stressed. It keeps me nicely distracted.”

I do remember her throwing herself into this after Ariana left, and again last year when she and Harrison were broken up.

“There are enough clothes here for my entire pregnancy and then some.”