“We’re going to their place; can you meet us there?” Lita asks.
“I’m already on my way. I’m just glad you’re all safe. I think Cooper will be able to get Heather out of an assault charge, but it’s not going to be pretty.”
“How not pretty?” Lita asks.
I consider how this is probably going to go down and cringe. “Either lots of money, lots of apologizing, or both.”
Lita sighs and says, “I’ll see you at their place.”
“See you there, princess.”
I don’t think I’ll be able to relax fully until I see Lita safe and sound with my own eyes. We drive to Harrison’s apartment, and there’s a crowd of paparazzi out the front. They notice us immediately and snap our pictures as we drive into the underground garage.
“Ugh,” I say as we wait for the gate to open.
“Yeah, this is going to be fun,” Gabriel says in a grim voice.
I park my car next to Hayden’s Sián in one of Harrison’s parking spots, and we head upstairs. We knock on the door when we get there, and Harrison lets us in with a tight look on his face.
“Hey, guys.”
“How are you doing?” I ask as he leads us to the dining table, where Hayden is sitting in front of a cup of coffee.
“I feel like a piece of shit,” he admits. “I know that what happened isn’t my fault, but I still feel guilty about it.”
I nod and cringe. “I can imagine. I’m sorry.”
“Not your fault.”
Harrison offers to get us drinks, and I say yes because I think he just needs something to do. It doesn’t take long for Cooper to arrive in a huff.
“Your fucking wife has causedsomuch shit,” Cooper snaps at Harrison as he leads him over to us.
“I don’t agree with what she did, but she hardly started it,” Harrison says coldly.
“Well, she certainly finished it, and now I have a task and a half ahead of me. I’m already in talks with the guy’s station about it.”
Harrison looks annoyed and asks, “Are you guys finished with your mugs?”
We nod, and he takes them away to the kitchen as Cooper takes a seat at the table. I glare at Cooper and am tempted to remind him not to talk to Lita when she gets here, but I don’t really want to bring up all of that shit right now.
A few minutes later, Heather leads Lita and Ariana into the apartment. She looks around the room until her eyes land on Harrison, and she strides quickly over to him. He stands and hugs her tightly to him as she starts crying.
“Oh, angel, it’s okay.” He looks up at us and says, “We’re just going to take a few minutes to talk in private.”
“No, Harrison,” Cooper says in a stern voice. “I need to talk to her.”
He’s such a fucking asshole and I’m so over his shit. I know that he’s our manager, but he doesn’t get to run our lives or dictate whether or not Harrison can comfort Heather when she obviously needs it.
I glare at him and snarl, “Fuck off, Cooper. She clearly needs to talk to herhusbandin private. Since that’s not you, you can wait five goddamn minutes to talk to her. If you can’t, there’ll be another fucking assault charge for you to worry about.”
Harrison steers Heather away and toward another area of the apartment as I say it, and I’m glad he took this opportunity to do that.
“It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve threatened violence over Heather, Sebastian, but is there something you’d like to get off your chest?”
The subtle dig about Heather doesn’t go unnoticed, but he knows what I’m really pissed about, and it has nothing to do with Heather.
“You know what my problem is, Cooper. We don’t need to discuss it again,” I growl.