Page 204 of Sebastian's Baby

“Highlight of my birthday party,” I tease him.

It’s not true, of course. I think my favorite part was holding Lita while we watched the fireworks. We head over to my pool table, and I rack up the balls while we talk. Gabriel breaks, and we play a few games, which I win easily.

“Thank god,” I laugh. “I’ve played Lita so often lately that I was beginning to think I was shit at the game.”

He grins at me. “I like that she can put you in your place.”

I’m reminded of all the times she’s done just that and cringe slightly. Gabriel frowns at me and tilts his head to the side.

“What’s that about?”

I shrug and sigh. “Just that putting me in my place is Lita’s specialty.”

“Seb, I’m not sure what to say. You say you’re in love with her, but you keep sleeping with other women. What do you think she’s going to do? I’m still pissed about your speech at the wedding.”

We’re standing on opposite sides of the pool table as we look at each other, and he’s got a frown on his face.

“Yeah, that was shitty. I’m sorry. I’ve apologized to Lita, but I should’ve apologized to you and Ariana as well.”

“It’s fine. We haven’t really had a chance to talk since the wedding. How are you coping with the pregnancy stuff?”

It comes crashing over me, and my throat closes over. I can’t speak and I just shake my head at him before I walk over to the wall and put my cue back in its case. He follows me and puts his cue in the rack on the wall. I walk to the sofa and drop onto it before I put my head in my hands and take some deep breaths.

“I’ve never been this scared, Gabriel,” I manage to whisper.

He sits next to me and puts his hand on my back. “I can’t pretend that I understand, but you were there for me when everything in my life was shit. I’m here for you, and I hope you know that.”

“Thanks. The surgery is definitely going to happen, and I’m scared one of them will die.”

Voicing it aloud for the first time is scarier than I thought it would be.

“Are the risks that bad?” Gabriel asks.

I shake my head. “No. The doctor seems confident enough, but there are still some risks, and it doesn’t mean that I’m not scared.”

“Of course. I don’t know what to say. I wish it was easier for you guys.”

“Me, too. Can we talk about something else?”

“Sure. Do you want to play a video game or something?” he suggests.

We playCall of Dutyfor about an hour before we order some pizza for lunch. We’re about halfway through a game when my phone lights up on the coffee table. I look down at it to see a message from Hayden.

Holy fuck. Google #HeatherGoesOff.

I blink and look at Gabriel before saying, “Look at the message Hayden just sent me.”

I look back up at the screen in time to kill someone before they take advantage of my momentary distraction. Gabriel gets killed in-game as he reads it, though.

“What the fuck has happened?” he asks as he respawns in the game.

I shrug as I kill the person who slaughtered Gabriel. “Not a clue.”

He doesn’t move in-game as he puts down his controller and pulls out his phone. I focus on the screen, and I’m annoyed at him leaving our team a man down as he looks at his phone.

“Shit.” I glance over at him to see his mouth hanging open.

“That doesn’t sound good,” I cringe and frown as I get killed in the game.