I push away the depressing thought and smile at her.
“You’re a lucky boy,” she says.
“The luckiest,” I agree and can’t help looking at her chest as I do, which causes her to laugh.
“I amnottaking my top off right now, Sebastian Fox.”
“I didn’t think you would, but I do like your thinking, of course.” I grin at her and pull her into my arms.
The ride takes off with my friends in it, and I rest my hands on Lita’s bump. As we watch them spinning around, I feel the soft flutters in Lita’s belly and smile.
“Is she moving around in there?” I ask.
Lita nods. “Yup. Going crazy in there, it feels like she’s spinning around on a roller coaster.”
“It’s just the tiniest flutters for me,” I tell her.
“Yeah, I’ve felt it from the outside a few times. It’s so weird how much stronger I feel it internally.”
I have the strong urge to tell her that I’m in love with her, but I don’t. She doesn’t want to hear it, and I don’t want to hear her reaction to it.
So instead, I say, “I’m glad you were here today. The thought of this day without you in it makes me sad.”
“It’s so weird that I’m at Sebastian Fox’s thirtieth birthday party,” she tells me.
“Don’t say my full name like that,” I joke. “It makes it seem weird.”
“Oh my god, I’m sorry. I sound like a dumb groupie.” She cringes.
“I’m teasing you, Lita.” I spin her to face me and press my lips to hers before saying, “I’m sure it’s odd. Trust me. There are definitely things about today that are weird for me, too.”
Like the fact that I’m in love with you.
My unsaid words hang in the air between us, and I’m sure that she can hear them in what I’m not saying. She can’t reject me if I don’t say them, though.
Our friends come back from the ride, and it’s almost a relief to leave Hayden with Lita while I get some space to go on the next ride. We’re strapped into harnesses that are suspended from the rail, and it spins us around and upside down through several loops.
The rest of the party passes with each of us sitting out on each ride except for Blake, who didn’t even offer to do it, and I would’ve stopped him from doing it if he had. We eat from several food stands and drink plenty. A few times, I manage to find and introduce Lita to different members of my family, as well as catching up with my parents just before we go on our eighth ride.
Later in the evening, an announcement comes over the speakers for all the partygoers to meet in the center of the park, where a stage is set up. Cooper is standing at the microphone, and Lita hisses under her breath when she sees him.
“He knows not to come near you,” I tell her. “Are you okay if I mention you in my speech?”
“Sure,” Lita agrees.
Cooper makes a big show of talking about how brilliant a musician I am and what a great band Cruise Control is in his speech, and it soundssofucking fake to me. He’s paying me lip service, but I smile brightly at him and thank him as I take the microphone from him. I start my speech and thank everyone for coming to help me celebrate.
“I want to say thank you to Lita, especially.” I look over at her as I say it and smile at her. “I’m so glad I get to start this next decade and a new chapter of my life with you in it.”
I love you.
The crowd cheers and whistles, along with our friends. Heather pulls her into a hug and Lita hides her face as the people around them stare at Lita. Despite her meddling, I’m definitely glad that Heather is as supportive of Lita as she is.
I look at my bandmates and say, “I also want to thank Gabriel, Hayden, and Harrison for being the best bandmates I could ever have asked for. I’m so grateful to have you guys in my life. Heather and Ariana, you two are amazing as well.”
“I’mmorethan amazing, lover!” Heather yells, and the people near her laugh.
“Yes, sorry. Heather ismorethan amazing; she single-handedly keeps the world turning, in case anyone didn’t know.”