We’re treated to an amazing view of the entire park for about a second before the ride drops us unceremoniously toward the ground, and Heather screams this time before it brings us to a grinding halt before we actually hit the ground.
The harnesses rise up, and we step off the ride before Gabriel groans, “Oh, fuck. I don’t feel good at all.”
He follows us out of the ride area and toward where Lita and Ariana are waiting for us.
Suddenly, he says, “Fuck.”
He spins to his left and promptly vomits into the bush next to him while we laugh at him.
“Weak,” Hayden says with a grin.
Gabriel flips him the bird over his head as he vomits again, and we laugh harder.
Lita and Ariana rush over to join us, and Ariana rubs his back while he vomits.
When he finishes vomiting, she asks, “Are you okay, Gabe?”
“Yeah, Heather was probably right about eating and doing rides,” he says with a chagrined smile.
“Vindication! Pukey vindication!” Heather laughs.
Lita holds her water bottle out to Gabriel. “Here, have this.”
“Thanks, Lita,” Gabriel says as he takes it and rinses his mouth out.
It’s a no-brainer that Gabriel is the one to sit out the next ride with Lita, and I’m strapped into the next roller coaster next to Ariana. We’re in seats with our feet dangling below us, and I grin at her.
“Can you handle this, Ariana Knight?”
“I think I’ll manage to survive,” she says.
“I’ll pay you a thousand bucks if you can go this whole ride without screaming. I’m a musician, and I need my hearing intact,” I tease her.
She laughs at me. “I’ll do my best.”
We’re taken on a slow climb up to the top of the roller coaster and are again treated to a great view of the park before we’re taken down the other side deceptively slowly until the ride speeds up. Ariana doesn’t scream until we’re taken through a section doing barrel rolls as we spin over and over and are hit with a mist of water before we go through another loop in the roller coaster track. I look over at her and laugh, but she’s clutching the harness in a death grip and doesn’t look back at me.
When the ride ends, I tease her, “Did you have fun, Ariana?”
“Too much fun. No thousand dollars for me,” she laughs.
“What thousand dollars is this?” Hayden asks.
“Sebastian said he’d pay me a thousand bucks if I could go the whole ride without screaming.”
I put my finger to my ear and make a very obvious painful wince. “I think I’m half-deaf now. You’re loud, woman!”
We’re laughing as we reach Lita and Gabriel. I smile at her and take her hand in mine as we head to the next ride.
“I’ll sit this one out. I need some time for my hearing to recover after Ariana screamed right in my ear,” I tease her.
We watch them walk off to the next roller coaster, and I look at Lita. I smile as I stroke her skin with my thumb.
“Are you having a good day?” she asks me.
I nod. “The best. I got kind of epic sex this morning. You’re wearing my Grammy top. I have a whole fucking theme park to enjoy. What more could a man want?”