I grin and tell him, “No worries, we’ll be down in a minute.”
We make our way out the front of the building, and our bodyguards escort us through a small group of paparazzi who are waiting there and calling out questions about both our baby and my birthday party. I hold Lita tightly to me until we get to the limousine.
The bodyguards will be driving to the party in the black SUV. We don’t need their protection at the party, but I wanted them to come and have fun today anyway.
My friends cheer as we slide into the limousine, and Daryl closes the door behind us.
“Hey, guys,” I say with a grin.
Ariana is sitting next to me, and she hands me a glass of whisky, then leans over to kiss my cheek and says, “Happy birthday again, Seb.”
“Thanks, Ariana.”
Ariana hands Lita a glass of orange juice as Gabriel announces, “How about a toast to the birthday boy?”
“A toast to the man who is the best fake lover I’ve ever had,” Heather says with a grin, and everyone takes a sip of their drinks.
The whisky is good, and I spot the bottle of forty-year-old Glenfiddich that they’ve bought to celebrate with today. I’m touched that they went to the effort of getting my favorite drink for today because there isno waythat alcohol was supplied with the limo.
“To the man who I will definitely one day beat at pool outside of a video game,” Hayden adds with a grin, and everyone drinks again.
I’ve seen these people get truly and utterly wasted more than a few times in my life, and I think they might’ve had a few on the way to pick us up.
“Are we a couple of drinks behind you guys?” I ask.
“Maybe. Look, it’s been a long drive,” Harrison tells me with a grin. “But I say we should toast to the man who brought us all together as a band.”
Everyone takes another sip, and Lita asks me, “Did you?”
She looks intensely curious, and I laugh, “I mean, technically, yeah. We were all at a music camp together, and I was looking for people to be in a band with me.”
“I was the first member,” Harrison grins proudly.
“I was the last, on account of Sebastian hating me,” Gabriel informs her. He grins as well, then adds, “A toast to Sebastian not hating me.”
Everyone takes another sip, and our drinks are all refilled before the next toast. The whisky is smooth and delicious, and I’m so happy right now. Today has already been a brilliant day.
“A toast to Sebastian for building Galena because it’s so awesome, and our honeymoon was amazing,” Ariana says.
“And our wedding,” Heather adds before she takes her sip. “Your turn, Lita.”
Lita’s eyes go wide, and her jaw tightens. I can tell she’s uncomfortable with being put on the spot, so I smile reassuringly at her.
“You don’t have to, princess,” I tell her.
“No, it’s okay, um… To the man who’s the best person a woman could ask to be the father of her baby.”
I lean over and hug her as I whisper, “Thank you, princess. You’re the best woman I could ask to be the mother of my baby, too.”
I stop short of telling her that I love her because I don’t want her to say she’s not in love with me today.
“Okay, my turn to make a toast,” I say and raise my glass. “I want to make a toast to myself because I’m the best musician in this car and maybe even the world. Remember, if you don’t toast me on my birthday, it means that you’re all terrible friends,” I tease them.
“Yeah, I’m not toasting that, and I have no regrets about not doing it.” Blake rolls his eyes.
Everyone else groans but lifts their glasses to the toast.
“Speaking of your birthday, I can’t believe how big a hit your birthday game was,” Hayden says.