Page 194 of Sebastian's Baby

In all honesty, I doubted that one would fit, but I wanted her to see it anyway. Finally, she picks up the t-shirt I was wearing the night we won our first Grammys, and it fits her shoulders but also stretches out around her bump nicely. I smile as I remember that night because it was a good one…the next day, not so much. I love seeing Lita in a piece of my musical history, and I smile at her because she’s so beautiful.


“You don’t recognize the shirt?” I raise an eyebrow at her and wait for her reaction.

Lita looks in the mirror and gasps out loud. “This is the shirt you were wearing when you won your first Grammys.”

“I knew you’d get there, fangirl,” I say as I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her before I kiss her.

“I had a picture of you guys performing as my desktop background for months,” Lita tells me while her face flushes bright pink.

I smile, because that’s really fucking cute, and I tell her, “I thought you’d recognize the shirts straight away.”

Lita looks over at the pile of clothes she’s so casually discarded and gasps softly. She pulls herself out of my embrace and rushes over to them before she looks through the clothes, treating them as carefully as if they’re religious artifacts.

“Holy shit,” she whispers, picking up the collared shirt on the top of the pile. “The top from the ‘Games We Play’ music video.” She picks up the t-shirt from underneath it. “This is from the cover ofCards Have Been Dealt. I can’t believe that I didn’t recognize these immediately.”

“You were a bit distracted,” I laugh. “I need to get rid of some of these clothes, but I’ve kept a lot of them, even though I never wear them. I’m glad one of them fits you.”

Lita bursts into tears and says, “Fucking hormones. It just means a lot that you care about me, even though I’m a dumb groupie and you’re Sebastian Fox.”

“You’re not a dumb groupie.” I laugh and shake my head. “But IamSebastian Fox.”

“I just mean that I don’t know if I’ll ever not get excited by this stuff.” Lita wipes at her tears, then indicates to the pile of shirts on the bed. “I’m still a huge fan at heart. I still get star-struck by the guys sometimes, even Heather and Ariana. I still feel weird that I have a bodyguard, and I’m a part of your world. I don’t feel like I belong, even though everyone’s been great about welcoming me into your family.”

“I love that you’re a fan and that you love our music. You’re so real, Lita; you’re never fake, and fuck knows I’ve met a lot of fake people since I became famous. If you hid this stuff from me, I’d be worried, but I’m not.”

It’s not like I didn’t know that first night that she was a huge fan. She’s always been honest about that. Maybe it might’ve been different if I’d been her favorite and she’d spent the night trying to get me into bed, but it’s always been the other way around. I’ve always wanted her more than she wanted me. Which is kind of fucking depressing.

“What if I never get over it, though? What if I’m old and gray and fangirling over Hayden Vega being at my ninetieth birthday party?” Lita bites her lip.

I smile at the thought and tell her, “Well, assuming we’re all still alive for your ninetieth birthday party, then I’ll just be glad that we’ve obviously had sixty amazing years being in each other’s lives, and god knows Hayden needssomefans.”

“You’re mean,” Lita laughs. She stops crying as I put my arms around her. “And Hayden is awesome. He has more fans than you think. I’m going to start the Official Hayden Vega Fan Club, and you can’t stop me.”

“But who will run the Official Sebastian Fox Fan Club, then?”

“Nobody. Nobody wants that club because you have no fans, only me. And even then, Hayden is still my favorite,” Lita teases me.

“I can’t believe you would be so mean to me; it’s my birthday, don’t you know!”

“Your birthday was on Thursday. Today is just your party.”

I grin at her and say, “I can’t wait!”

“You’re such a child,” Lita laughs.

My friends will be arriving soon because we’re traveling in a limousine to Six Flags as a group. I lead Lita out to the living room to wait for them.

“Want to play a game of pool?” I suggest.

“Sure, rack them up. I’d better bring you down to earth before your ego gets inflated at your party later,” Lita grins at me.

I laugh and rack up the pool game, which Lita wins in such a short amount of time that it makes me question my pool skills. As I’m in the process of racking up our second game, my phone starts buzzing.

“Hey, Gabriel,” I say when I answer it.

“We’re out the front of your apartment in a limo and wondering when the birthday boy will be joining us!”