Page 188 of Sebastian's Baby

I stare at a painting on the wall of a lake with a canoe in it as I think about it. Harrison was writing his song for Heather and only came into the studio for the recording sessions. He did give feedback on the key change at the end that changed the song a bit. But other than that, it was just the three of us, and I smile as I remember writing it.

Gabriel wrote the lyrics. I did the music with Hayden. Harrison didn’t have a huge amount to do with it. He was working on If I Were You.

After I’ve sent the message, I immediately start writing another one. I want to give her information that she couldn’t get anywhere else, something that she can only know because she’s in my life now.

We recorded Cards Have Been Dealt at this shitty, tiny studio in downtown Chicago. So many times, we had to end our sessions way before we wanted to because we hit the end of our timeslot. Just So You Know took a few sessions to get perfect.

I have something else that I want to say, but I wait for her to read the message, and when she starts to write a reply, I stop her by saying, “Lita.”

She looks up at me, and her breath catches as I smile at her. I love the sound and amidst all of this craziness, I can still affect her, which pleases me. I write my final thought on the song to her and look for her reaction.

If I’d known that it would become your favorite song, I would’ve sung lead.

Her face flushes pink as she reads it, and she gets a breathtaking smile on her face. She looks so happy, and I’m glad that I’ve been able to distract her for a little while. She writes a reply to my message.

I don’t care who sings lead. You were part of creating it. All of your songs, they mean a lot to me.

I’m so fucking proud to have her tell me that. I love that she loves our music, and that I was part of creating something that is so important to her. She frowns and sighs before she hits send, but this time she’s the one who immediately types another message.

I have to remember that this is why people look at you. Because you’re awesome.

I can’t stop myself from laughing out loud because Iampretty fucking awesome. She underestimates how awesome she is, though.

If that’s the case, they should be looking at you because you’re more awesome than me.

Lita rolls her eyes, and I laugh again because she always casually writes off the things that she’s good at as being unimportant.

Don’t roll your eyes at me, princess. I speak the truth. Your game broke our website, that’s pretty damn awesome.

Lita wrinkles her nose when she reads my message. When I woke up this morning, I had multiple messages from Andi that the game had been so popular with the fans that the site crashed overnight from so many people trying to access it.

If I’d known that it would be made public, I would’ve made it better.

I can’t resist teasing her when I reply.

You didn’t put your best work in for my birthday present? I’m devastated to hear that.

As she reads my message, she shakes her head and I laugh out loud again.

Of course I did. I just mean that it would’ve been less Sebastian-focused.

Less Sebastian-focused? I tease her again with my response to this.

I hope that you’re not less Sebastian-focused.

She gets a cheeky grin on her face as she reads it and teases me back.

How could I possibly be anything but Sebastian-focused? I literally have nothing to do with my days right now except look at your pretty face.

I get a flush of pride at her telling me I have a pretty face. Even though I know I’m hot, I still like hearing it from Lita, and I write back.

Is that all I am to you? Just a pretty face?

Lita smirks to herself as she writes a reply.

Tell me what else you’re good for, if not for being pretty to look at, Sebastian Fox…

I gasp out loud when I read it, and when she looks up at me, I pretend to be outraged, “I have never been so insulted in my life!”