If, in the opinion of the referee, neither player is allowing the game to progress or a stalemate situation has arisen, then the frame shall be restarted.
This may occur when two players disagree on the game being played. It can often be caused by miscommunication or where two players are too stubborn to come to a compromise. While some players may stick to their guns, it is often more advisable to discuss with the other player how best to move forward.
jLEVEL 23.5 – Another Day, Another Doctor
We’reon our way to see the new doctor. Lita got a call this morning asking her to come in this afternoon for a scan. She’s clutching my hand as though it’s her lifeline and looks as terrified as I feel.
“I might struggle,” she says in a choked-up voice.
“It’s okay; I’ll be there with you. This is our last doctor. He’ll keep Mira safe.”
Lita nods at my words, but I still can’t bring myself to believe it. I want it more than anything, but I feel as though even hoping for it will mean it won’t come through. I stroke Lita’s skin with my thumb as we drive there and make our way to the doctor’s office.
She pulls her phone out of her pocket, and I see a text from Becky on the screen.
Good luck today. Let me know how it goes.
Lita smiles and slips her phone back into her pocket as we enter the hospital. We find a map and follow its directions to the section of the hospital where the specialists’ offices are. People watch us walk by, escorted by our bodyguards, and a few of them take pictures.
Lita’s body is rigid as we walk, and her jaw is tense. I wish that it wasn’t like this, and I feel bad because I know this probably wouldn’t be as bad if I weren’t here with her. At the same time, there’s no way I could not be with her. I just feel so guilty about everything, and it sucks because it combines with the fear that today’s appointment won’t go well.
We arrive at an office with a plaque next to the door that says Dr. Eric Floyd. My heart is pounding in my chest, and I work hard to show none of my fear as Lita opens the door and I follow her through.
The patients waiting all look up and stare. A few blink at us, then start typing quickly on their phones, and I cringe internally. The name of our doctor is going to be known online before we even get to meet him. I give Lita’s hand a squeeze as she looks around the room with a frown on her face.
We walk up to the receptionist’s desk, and Lita says, “Hi, I’m Lolita Ciccone.”
“Ah, yes, Lolita. If you can please complete this paperwork and bring it to me when you’re done, the doctor will see you shortly.”
Lita thanks the woman, takes the clipboard and pen that she was given, and follows me as I lead the way over to the waiting area. I sit on a chair in the corner where hopefully fewer people can stare at us, and Lita looks down at the paperwork to complete it. When she’s done, I take it back to the desk because I’m used to people staring at me, and hopefully this will take some of the attention off her for a minute.
When I get back to her, she has her phone out, and she looks up at me as I sit next to her again. She looks stressed and worried, which is confirmed when she goes to our messages on her phone and starts writing one to me.
Distract me. People are looking. I need distracting.
I get my phone out while she’s typing and am writing my reply before she even hits send on her message.
What would work best? Want to know some Cruise Control secrets?
Lita gasps out loud when she reads what I’m writing.
I laugh as she types out her reply. She’s so fucking cute, and I knew this would definitely distract her.
Okay, well…what’s your favorite song?
I can’t believe that I haven’t asked her this yet, and I’m actually really curious now.
Just So You Know. That’s why I put it in your game.
I smile at her as I read it. I suppose that makes sense.
Let me think…