I turn to leave the room and lead the way back to the pool table. I kick balloons out of our path as we do and shake my head.
“Have I told you how much I hate you, Heather Fletcher?” I roll my eyes at the thousands of balloons that are everywhere.
“Nope, you don’t, you love me,” she grins back at me. “And I think it’s time that Lita played a game of pool with you, isn’t it?”
I cringe at the thought of her kicking my ass at pool, and Lita laughs. “As my second birthday gift to you, Sebastian Fox, I’m not going to play pool with you today. I will, however, play anyone else you want me to play.”
“Heather,” I say at once, with a wicked grin at her. “I definitely want you to play Heather.”
Heather groans. “Why did I open my big mouth?”
“Rack them up, Heather Fletcher, it’s time for your penance to be served at my pool table.”
Heather sets up the pool game, grumbling the whole time about how she fucked up by suggesting Lita play me.
“You can break if you want,” Lita offers when the game is ready to go.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ve seen how this goes, darling; I get one shot, and then you slaughter me.”
“See? It’s not as fun whenyou’rethe one she’s playing, is it?” I tease her with a laugh.
Heather doesn’t answer, just takes her turn and breaks the triangle of balls, but doesn’t get any of them down. Lita spends probably thirty seconds staring at the table in front of her. The stripes are mostly collected down the far end of the table, and the solids have spread out around the table.
Lita lines up and sinks the purple number four, followed quickly by the brown number seven. It doesn’t take long for Lita to win the game after that, and Heather only manages to get two balls down before she loses.
I get Lita to play everyone after that, and even Blake agrees to play her, which surprises me because I was sure he wouldn’t agree to it.
“You have actually improved,” Lita tells Hayden at the end of their game.
He looks embarrassed and says, “I’ve been practicing, and your tips have really helped.”
“I’m glad I could help,” Lita says with a smile at him.
Not long after that, everyone leaves, and I’m alone in the apartment with Lita. As we wave goodbye to Gabriel and Ariana while they get in the elevator, I put my arms around Lita, rest my hands on her baby bump, and softly sing “Just So You Know” in her ear.
“I love that song,” she tells me.
“It’s been in my head all day,” I laugh. “Ever since I played the game the first time. Come on; you should probably go to bed. You must be wrecked.”
“I am,” she says before giving a big yawn.
I laugh and lead the way toward the bedrooms, kicking balloons out of our way as we walk.
“Fucking Heather,” I groan.
“Apparently, you had this coming,” Lita teases me.
“I can’t believe you organized a surprise birthday party for me, princess.” I shake my head as I remember the moment when the elevator doors open.
We’ve reached the door to her bedroom, and I know that I need to let her sleep and just go to my room alone, but I don't want to. I miss her. I want to have her in my bed, and I hate that I can’t. So I’ll take these last few moments with her, instead.
“Heather did most of the organizing. I just gave her flight times and kept you in the dark. I was so worried you’d be angry when you realized I lied to you this morning.”
I smile and give in to the temptation to hold her again as I pull her into my arms. “Not at all. It made the surprise better.” I kiss her lips softly and then let her go before I say, “I love you, princess. Thank you for the best birthday ever.”
I don’t want to see her reaction or to hear her reject my love again…not today. So I turn and quickly continue to my bedroom.
“Sweet dreams, Lita,” I call as I walk away.