“I suppose not. I don’t like the cadence as much, though.” I shrug my shoulders. “How was your honeymoon?”
We talk about Gabriel and Ariana’s honeymoon in Venice in between me taking shots until I beat Gabriel in our game.
“Who’s next?” I ask.
Heather volunteers as my next victim, and I get two stripes down on the break. After a few turns, I’m standing at the side of the room to watch Heather take her turn when I look over at Lita. She’s looking at me, and I catch her eye. I smile at her, once again grateful that I have her in my life, and she smiles her breathtaking smile at me.
When I’ve finished beating Heather, I tell her, “You can play again. I’m done for now.”
“You’re…what?” She goggles at me as though I’ve grown a second head.
I laugh and nod. “Yeah, I’m done playing for now.”
I head over to the side of the room and carefully put my cue back in its case before I walk over to stand next to Lita.
I put my arm around her shoulders and say, “Hey there.”
“Hi,” Lita smiles up at me.
“What are you guys talking about?”
“Just about how Hayden is my favorite member of Cruise Control always and forever, and you’re definitely not my favorite band member now,” she teases me.
“Is that so?” I raise an eyebrow and smirk at her because, somehow, I doubt this is true.
“Yup, definitely,” Hayden agrees. “Lita was just saying how the drums are her favorite instrument and far more important in a band than the guitar is as well.”
“Well, I mean, without drums, how could anybody possibly keep time, you know?” Lita asks in a very serious tone.
“And drum solos aresomuch cooler than guitar solos, right?” Hayden grins.
“Exactly.” Lita smiles innocently up at me. “So, yeah, that’s what we were talking about.”
I laugh and shake my head. “I hate you both, just so you know.”
Blake walks back into the living room with his phone in his hand and joins us, sitting on a stool on Hayden’s other side.
“You took your time,” I comment.
“Work shit.” Blake shrugs.
“Youwork?” I ask with an obvious shocked note in my voice. “I thought you just lived off daddy’s money.”
Blake rolls his eyes. “You’re so fucking funny, Sebastian.”
Lita looks over at the pool table where Heather and Ariana are playing a game together now and asks in surprise, “Hey, did someone beat you?”
“Nah, I let them play so I could come and sit with you guys.”
“Sebastian Fox leaving a pool table voluntarily?” Hayden laughs. “I never thought I’d see the day.”
“Meh, I’ve just never known anyone worth leaving a table for before,” I tease him.
“With friends like you, who needs enemies?” Hayden grins. “Hey, can I have a copy of the video game?”
“Sure, I’m not going to deny you the opportunity to live a day in the life of someone as awesome as me,” I smirk at him.
“If you’re not careful, I’ll make Hayden his own game where he beats you at pool every time,” Lita warns me, and Hayden laughs.