Page 183 of Sebastian's Baby

“Yes, please,” she says in a throaty voice.

I head to the kitchen to find Blake on the phone, and he glares at me when I walk in.

“That’s ridiculous, though. Hang on a second,” he says, then looks at me. “Are you going to be long?”

I raise my eyebrows at him. “It’s my fucking apartment. I’ll take however long I please.”

If I didn’t care about getting back to Lita quickly, I’d purposely take my sweetass time about it, but I head straight to the cupboard to get a glass for her water.

Blake rolls his eyes at me and walks out of the kitchen toward the entrance. “Sorry, I’m at my boyfriend’s friend’s place tonight, and his friend is a dick. Yes, we’ll need to look at that on Monday.”

His voice gets quieter as he walks away, and I’m glad because I fucking hate him so much, I can’t stand to be in his presence. I fill up the glass with water for Lita and head back to the pool table area.

Heather is giving Lita a hug and steps away with a smile at me when I approach them. I hand her the water, and she thanks me quietly before she takes a sip.

I sit down on the stool next to her and ask quietly, “Vuoi che tutti vadano, principessa?”

I won’t care if she tells me she does, because all I care about is her feeling better. If that means ending my party early, then I’ll do that.

“No, Sebastian.” She turns her head and smiles at me through her remaining tears. “Thank you for the offer, though. I’m fine; just…hormonal.”

“And scared,” I add as I lean over to kiss her. “It’s okay to be scared.”

“I know. Go finish your pool game; I want to see if Gabriel can pulloffa win.”

“I doubt it,” I say and give her a cocky grin before I go back to our game.

I aim for the yellow number one again and sink it easily. I’m standing back from the table a few minutes later when Heather walks over to me.

“Is Lita okay?” she asks me quietly.

I look over at Lita where she’s talking to Hayden with a smile on her face, and I nod.

“Yeah, she’ll be okay. It’s been really stressful.” Everything with Mirabella comes crashing over me, and I sigh.

“What about you?” Heather asks.

I look away from Lita and over to Heather. She’s frowning at me and looks concerned.

“As I said, it’s been really stressful. It’s good to be home, but I feel bad that Lita had to come here.”

“Your turn, Seb,” Gabriel calls out.

I nod and walk over to the table to take my turn, then return to Heather and Ariana, who has joined her.

“We’ve missed you, Seb,” Ariana says with a smile.

“I bet you have. Do you really have a meeting with a literary agent?”

She flushes red and nods. “Yeah, it’s tomorrow night.”

“So, we’re not hanging out tomorrow, then?” I laugh.

“I felt bad because you seemed really sad that we were all bailing on your birthday, so I wanted you to feel better.” She smiles at me.

I throw an arm around her shoulders and hug her. “You’re pretty cool, Ariana Knight.”

“See? It’s not that bad to say, is it?” She grins at me.