I grip the condom at the base of my cock as I pull out of Lita, ensuring it stays secure before I head to the bathroom and dispose of it.
I come back to the bedroom, and Lita is lying on the bed, looking exhausted from our sex session. Her long, brown hair is splayed out over the pillow from where she’s landed. Her large breasts with their beautiful pink nipples are on display for me, as is her still glistening pussy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful sight in my bed.
Now is the time, though. I need to organize an Uber, a taxi, or for Daryl to take her back to her hotel. When I tell her that it’s time to go, though, I won’t have her in my bed anymore.
She looks so tired, too, in a state of pure bliss that I know will disappear when I tell her to go. I’ve seen it a thousand times, the way the happiness seeps out of women when I tell them our time together is done. I don’t want that for Lita, and it’s late. I’m tired, too.
As dangerous as I know it is to do, I turn the lights off, then slide into the bed and pull the covers over us. I wrap my arm over her stomach, pulling her to me, and she rests her soft ass against my cock. It feels strangely nice and comforting having this woman in my arms.
She gives a contented sigh, and it isn’t long before her breathing evens out, and I realize she’s asleep. I softly stroke her stomach with my thumb. Her skin is silky smooth.
This evening really has been one of the most enjoyable nights of my life. Lita surprised me at every turn, charming me without me even realizing she was doing it, all leading up to one of the best sex sessions I’ve had in a very long time.
I fall asleep with a smile on my face, and I think that this might be the one woman who makes it worthwhile breaking my rule.
* * *
I groanas I wake the next morning. My brain is foggy, and I’m confused because someone is in bed with me. It all comes rushing back to me, and I squeeze Lita with my arm, pulling her tighter against me with her soft ass pressed against my rock-hard morning wood.
“Good morning, princess.”
“I thought you might have forgotten who you slept with last night,” she laughs.
I roll her over so I can see her face and kiss her deeply. “As if I could forget the woman who gave me some of the best sex of my life last night.”
“Some of?” She raises her eyebrows at me. “I can probably tell you that you almost made my top ten, then.”
I know this isn’t true at all, and I roll on top of her as I push her onto her back on the bed.
“You’re a liar, princess,” I chide her before pressing my lips to hers, my cock painfully hard between us. “You told me last night I was the ‘best ride of your life.’”
“Weird, my perfect recall seems to be failing me now.” She pulls me back down to kiss her again.
I thoroughly enjoy another make-out session with Lita. I know that this is definitely the last time I’ll get to do this because this is breaking all the rules. She shouldn’t have slept in my bed, and we definitely shouldn’t be fucking, but I honestly feel like I might die if I send her on her way without her giving me release.
I get a condom and roll it on my cock before pressing myself into Lita. She feels even better than she did last night. I’m balls deep in Lita and loving it when I reach between us so I can stroke her clit. I want to see her come for me, and I can see an orgasm building as she pants underneath me, her wide eyes staring into mine.
I slowly begin to push my cock in and out of her while continuing to rub her clit, watching for the moment when her orgasm hits. Seeing her eyes roll back slightly before she squeezes them shut tight and moans my name almost makes me bust a nut, but I hold off.
I drop my head to hers, intertwining my tongue with hers for a few seconds before I place my hands on her hips and begin to fuck her. I thrust roughly in and out of her, and she feels so damn good. I’m not sure if it’s better than last night or just as good. Either way, it’s amazing.
She wraps her legs around me and moans, “Sebastian.”
My name has never sounded sexier than it does coming out of this woman’s mouth right now, and that alone is enough to break me. I come apart as my orgasm hits, and I shoot my load into her, but I freeze in horror.
It feels wrong. The condom’s tight pressure on my cock is gone. I know with crystal clarity that it’s broken. It’s never happened in my life, and I always wondered how people know. Now I know. It’s blatantly fucking obvious that the condom has fucking broken.
Lita contracts her muscles around my cock with a smile on her face, and I bite out, “Stop, Lolita.”
I grab the condom at the base of my cock, even though I know already that it’s pointless. The damage has been done.
As I pull myself out of her, Lita’s eyes widen in shock as she realizes what’s happened.
“Are you on the pill?”
I feel sick, and I pray to fucking god that she’s protected.
“No, I’m not. I mean, I had no reason to…” she trails off with a shake of her head.